Reddit housing recession

People will cancel/delay/reduce buying goods and services. . The price decreases in the last four months or so have been caused by mortgage rates rising suddenly; velocity of demand dropping trumps the low supply that we have. The rationale of most people on twitter and reddit seems to be , recession = cancel rate hikes. There are lots of bulls I disagree or I think are wildly wrong but no one sounds pathetic like you. Outside of a moderate to severe recession, the housing market will likely not be too badly impacted. Freight recession across North America. 375K subscribers in the lostgeneration community. He should be using new housing starts, not housing under construction. ~~~~~-- Expert in a field related to housing and would like to do an AMA either anonymously or publicly? I'm not sure if the end of furlough is going to be the saviour of the housing market. We’ve needed a correction and weve needed a recession. S. Hey no one has a crystal ball to know what’s going to happen but being in transportation I can tell you the markets for almost all industries across North America are struggling. 1M subscribers in the economy community. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit Is this the beginning of the end of the housing recession? If rates keep dropping, this will look like the turning point. WSJ News Automated Feed No Censorship, Just News. This means folk tend to want to stay put and potentially improve/extend their current home instead as its less expensive than moving and interest rates should be lowered during recession to encourage spending - hence a remortgage to However we can analyze it statistically and historically with empirical facts. It’s quite possible 2023 might be a similar situation, but the problem we’re facing now is an affordability issue (I. A 20% drop at 7. , month after month, with some sporadic good months but general trend downward. Um. If airbnb tanks, that won't really affect the housing market. 115K subscribers in the REBubble community. Sure, building of new housing and construction can be productive, but we didn't limit investment to new builds only. Upvotes & Downvotes moderate this sub. One of the many things I got from that telling of the story was that no matter how smart a small group of people were, they were still completely wrong on the timings of the impending crash. I think people think that since inflation is out of control, interest rates are high, and we are by definition in a recession, that what we are experiencing is anything like what happened in 2008. Apr 19, 2023 · Today’s high inflation has triggered aggressive moves from the Federal Reserve, which has many economists worried that we’re headed toward a recession. Since inflation has made housing prices go up astronomically since 2020 are non-homeowners just screwed without a major recession? true Why I believe a freight recession is imminent. And now everyone know why those rules were there. Anyone else looking for houses and getting worried with all the recent doom and gloom news about recession/Interest rate rises/housing dip/crash/stagnation. Literally a whole generation about to get some hope when there was now before. May 23, 2024 · Most experts consider a balanced market between four and six months. 5% monthly payments from 2020. For sure there is an employment correction happening. ) Recession is just an overall GDP measure of output. I see housing correction happening - not housing recession. 200K subscribers in the HousingUK community. They all grew outsized over time for the past years. ~~~~~-- Expert in a field related to housing and would like to do an AMA either anonymously or publicly? interest rates since the Great Recession were historically, ridiculously low -- the closest thing there is to free money. This causes price to drop. A central repository for questions about economic theory, research, and policy. 8% jump from a At the same time, it took a number of years for the housing market to rebound and catch back up to prices and activity pre-recession. 10 votes, 23 comments. Then Russia/Ukraine. Most news articles say we already went through a recession or we are coming up to one in 2024. Dare I say bigger than anything that FED can or cannot do. In 2023, tech companies alone have laid off over 262,000 workers, or ≈60% more than 2022 layoffs in tech. A typical recession doesn't look like Mar '20. Here’s what that means for homeowners, sellers and buyers. Literally no one knows. The numbers are screwed up because supply chain got mashed with Covid. This is a subreddit to discuss the housing crisis in Canada without banning posts for discussing supply *and* demand. housing market downturn will be worse in 2023, forecast Goldman Sachs. The reason why it spread to the rest of the world is because of the intense interelation of current global economy. This price rise is purely a function of inflation and low interest rates, not an increase in # of housing units needed. A majority of households in the bottom quintile of our nation’s income distribution give more than 40 percent of Doubt it. The housing crash of 2008/09 was an anomaly in the grand scheme of things. The gov and the BoC have kicked this stone down the road too long. For those who did everything our parents told us to do now what? --… . The length of time to build a house has doubled or tripled in the last 2 years which means more houses are under construction. Serving as a central forum for users to read, discuss, and learn more about topics related to the economic discipline. 18% over ten (they caught the tail end of the 2008 recession). The sector bounced back fast and also precipitated a huge shift of money and smart young minds into tech ( the mantra at the time was that you could "do good" by working in tech, instead of just making money for evil Wall St lol ). Short term is going to be the same effect as interest rates rising. Then in the last 5 years or so, things really exploded and a lot of markets saw record low inventory month after month, year after year. 2% to 4. particularly hitting speculators, fraudsters, and those who bought far outside their means. The Savills report showed that the average house price in the UK in 2007 was £181,180. Reply reply. Banking, some other sectors are realigning right now. The median price for an existing home rose to $393,500, a 4. Updates and news about Canada's housing crisis. A "crash" (greater than 20%, broad scale decrease in housing) has happened two times in the history of the country; the great depression and 2008. Most indicators point that way. There aren't many sources where we can invest. After Covid I started making 35$/Hr and landed myself with a The problem with Australia having not experienced a recession for decades is that clearly most people have no idea what it's like to be in one. The number of housing completions is well below 2008 That means that the WIP higher than ever, and the cost of this inventory is significantly more expensive than what it will cost to build now. There are way more serious long term structural issues than two consecutive quarters of GDP contraction. Reddit's largest economics community. Reddit community for TheFinanceNewsletter. Instead of 15-20 offers on a single property, as inventory climbs, we’ll see an increase of days on the market and offer volume dip to 5-10 offers on a single property (this is still a lot). 3M subscribers in the AskEconomics community. Domestic Migration Trends: 1200 People A Day move to Florida. It looks like incrementally less demand, higher unemployment, layoffs, etc. During a recession people are wary of making any big financial changes, so you find fewer people moving home. 59% over the next five years and 27. Six months of inventory is a balanced market. Most years, economy is not near or at recession regardless of any economic headwinds. Timing the market seems like a great idea though with more proposed rate hikes. Share evidence, zillow… 2008 was a bit unique, as the mortgage crisis fed the housing market crash quite a bit. That was the prime driver of the increase in housing costs as the market priced that in -- not supply and demand, as pro-density types imagined. We’re basically in a recession now. It's been 20 years that I heard that housing market crash is imminent and it still didn't. Mortgage underwriting was too casual, and credit was extended too far. In the last 50 years, The number of non recession years by far outstrips recession years. Recession could happen or could not happen, but "stealth" layoffs are actually the norm. Recession is a BIG thing. yahoo Because the natural economic reaction to a recession is lowered inflation as demand drops due to there literally being a recession. Share… Recently listened to some podcasts and read some articles. For people looking for more sensible housing, this is something they've been waiting a while for. Wall Street/finance (~5% of NYC jobs) was hit hardest (lost around 18k jobs). It’s hard to say with job growth if we wil hit that metric or not. 4K votes, 469 comments. Or it could be in 20. Rates rising will hurt demand, inflation will continue pushing baseline prices up. The RBA is aiming for at least 1% more unemployment, that's a lot of people. com and its 50,000+ readers! (We debate & discuss money, finance, investing, stocks, financial news, personal finance, real estate, crypto and building wealth from different perspectives to understand different points of views). I agree that a 40% increase in 2 years is out of control, but a lot of the data shows that what's happening isn't just your average cyclical bubble, rather millenials finally entering the housing market en masse. The U. We want common sense housing laws that ensure: transparency and ample housing stock, to make Canada's housing the most affordable in the G7. People refuse to sell right now, and transactions volume is at historic lows. Gear up for the 2022 and 2023 Housing Correction: 5 Charts Highlighting the Pain Ahead for the Housing Market. This is like missing the forest for the trees. It’s mildly infuriating the amount of misinformation on the internet. So rates go down to follow falling inflation. We have written rules to support this aim and welcome those who want to learn and those who want to contribute. 1. In the early 1980s when inflation hit double digits while housing stayed mostly flat with little to no appreciation. Housing is the sacred cow of the Nz economy it is not going suffer too much. 5% to hit the 2. In 2017 it was £209,971. What happens when you have a ton of inventory that is more expensive than the market? If everyone pushes 2023 or 2024 recession stories… there will definitely be a 2023 or 2024 recession. Rent has never been less affordable, especially for the middle class — 22. I’m a vet, not new and study the transportation market daily. These concerns also come at a time when Foreclosures I would expect, but that depends on how bad the recession gets. So whenever people claim recession is near, we’ll need to take above fact as guidelines. However, my personal opinion is the realization will become mainstream starting Q2 of 2023. If white-collar jobs get wiped, then I'd expect an actual recession. 8 million properties from Our country has had many vibrant economies and vibrant housing markets with 6% and 7% mortgages in the late 90's and mid 2000's and it was normal and not that big of a deal. Lots of buyers out there, and some are hiding and have been looking for the past two years. The mortgage market is far healthier than 2008, but some overleveraged idiots who took out HELOCS to buy rental properties will get smoked. This fed many defaults. The only cool stuff was the 2015-2019 period with incredibly low interest-rates (like 2% fixed, 1% variable, and negative if you're already millionaire) ADMIN MOD. Many for the tax and homesteading benefits. Like r/CanadaHousing but without the censorship. Albertan housing prices are generally lower BC but property taxes are generally higher. What happens when we hit a non-housing led recession (as everyone says this is not 2008)? We've become a nation focused on debt as being normal and skewing that towards unproductive investment. So we are in a recession. Yes, but it's mostly due to housing prices here having been undervalued for so long they're just catching Any housing recession, though, is not by fucking choice. 5% catches up to people who paid 5% in 2021 and 2022. Study says Rochester most recession-proof housing market. In terms of quality of life, (edit: remove “or”) purchasing power and income distribution levels, things have been in decline for more than 2 decades. e. Everyone wants a place of their own. Turns out if you never boom, you can’t bust. Using housing starts, we are 25% less than the last peak in the mid 2000s. With LVRs dropping to 30% and things like interest deductibility returning, any people losing hosuing due to loss of income is just going to get snapped up by investors. Sales of existing homes were down last month by 20. Buy a home between 2021 and 2022 you're still fine. My question, is a cheap house/ fixer upper, a more stable investment (in the current climate)vs getting an already done more expensive house? Thanks in advance. Also, across the board in tech people are finding it harder to get a job. 67K subscribers in the REBubble community. I just sold my house for asking price and am looking to port my mortgage to a new one. They've long since been put back. Or to put another way in regard to your comment, inflation can rarely survive in a recession. We were the most “recession proof” market last recession too. 49% believe the S&P 500 stock market index is down for the year, though the index went up about 24% in 2023 and is up more than 12% this year. Now most people don't even remember the Recession very much when talking about housing. If you're going to plan for a housing recession historically you'll need to wait 60 years. I think right now is simultaneously the best time to both buy or sell a house within the next 3 years. Housing is unlikely to tumble and in general the rule would be you are better off buying now and paying down the mortgage than staying on the sidelines (with necessary funds) and paying rent. There needs to be an almost 40% drop in prices at today's rates of 7. Mortgages will default. Often stock markets are about 8 months behind and real estate Housing prices have been increasing for over a century. They will cancel/delay/reduce purchases, expansion, raises… either as a result of the chatter or as a result of consumer The housing market is headed back to a 1980s-style recession, Wells Fargo says—and it's all because of 'higher for longer' mortgage rates Investing in an Airbnb as First Time Home Buyer with looming housing bubble / recession I keep coming across articles on the internet that a recession is coming. Housing values increased every year from I beleive 1950 until 2009. Now central banks think they can fix those issues with interest rate hikes. I think rates will go up some more and increase payments making it harder to buy. There’s hundreds of thousands of tech based layoffs and outsourcing to cheaper countries. You don't get a 600K loan from the bank without a strong proven income, and there were a lot of those in the last 2 years. Our choices are “new construction that costs more, takes longer, and is built shittier than previous decades homes on lots that are overpriced” or “pay 400%+ markup on a dump because the market is hot rn” Posted by u/IcyHeartWarmSmile - 11,138 votes and 2,322 comments It depends, this recession isn’t like the last one. The place for news articles about current events in the United States and the rest… Oct 11, 2022 · The average buyer at the start of the 2001 recession gained 48. This recession will be interesting because it'll be selective. I expect negative real returns but positive nominal returns. That every recession guarantees a crash in housing prices. Yes, house prices will likely drop. It only crashed it 2008 cause the safety rules were dilbertly removed after 90 years. As wall street is detached from the reality of the job market (loosely attached), housing is stilll strongly attached to jobs. We're looking at the worst housing recession in the history of the world to get any junior non management employee from the market into us homes again and that's what's going to have to happen and what we will have to go through to stabilize this home market. Now people are losing their marbles over the fed increasing rates to 1/3rd of the Fed Funds rates of those past economies. So to act like layoffs isn’t happening is crazy. 55% believe the economy is shrinking, and 56% think the US is experiencing a recession, though the broadest measure of the economy, gross domestic product (GDP), has been growing. Use this subreddit to get advice on renting or buying accommodation in the UK, or… 47 votes, 13 comments. The only outlier being the 2008 recession which caused the housing market to crash was different than the others because it was caused by the housing market ( mortgage lending for unqualified buyers etc. Here's how a balance sheet recession can affect the housing market and housing prices: **Reduced Housing Demand:** During a balance sheet recession, households and businesses tend to cut back on spending and investment in an effort to reduce debt and build up savings. No recession is a possibility. A recession will have no long term impact on housing. Neither will any singular real-estate company failing affect it. Buyers who got in just before the Thought this to be relevant since recession is 100% going to happen now. potentially misleading / unconfirmed. In 2017, the United States boasted one of the strongest economies in the world, and nearly half of its tenants were rent burdened. Historically, you could be waiting another 90 years for a 2008 style crash. 27M subscribers in the news community. Forum for economy, business, politics, stocks, bonds, product releases, IPOs, advice, news, investment… Rent has never been less affordable, especially for the middle class — 22. Dunno, my house has gone up in value since I bought it 2 years ago. Recession in construction is not about prices, but builders' activity. I don’t know what to believe. A recession is part of the economic cycle and I don’t lose any sleep over it. This can cause domino effects. The housing marketing isn't crashing and won't crash. A moderate to severe recession is a possibility. The cause of that crash isn't anything similar to what's going on now. You're very right at what we do if we take out housing. Some points they were making were that in the past 6 recessions, housing market actually went up slightly. Demand for housing is so high that prices might dip a little but not that much. 1 million households pay more than 50% The scale of the recession we have at the end of 2023 will determine the impact of the recession on the housing market. Most likely to skew towards younger and/or lower earning which means unlikely to own a property anyway, especially in London. A recession used to be defined as two consecutive quarters of declining GDP. Housing Market Collapse ‘Deepening, Fast’: New Home Sales Crater Again As Experts Worry Downturn Could Spark Recession Housing prices might go up 20% yoy or it may go down 5% down or stagnate for many years. If home prices were to drop and I want to wait or make sure I don't miss it when it's happening, how can I track it? Simply watch house prices on Zillow or Redfin or is there a better way to know that home prices have been dropping and it's an ideal time to buy? It seems there is an incoming recession, and the housing market is about to crash. In particular the 2008 housing recession started in the US, but banks, investment firms and other financial institutions from other parts of the world had aquired the derivatives the US banks were Hello! I've been thinking about buying a first home in 2024 and hearing about mixed sentiments around a looming housing market crash. San Francisco has the most residents looking to leave. We aim to foster an environment where everybody feels safe and welcomed and where people feel encouraged to have healthy and productive discuss. This seems rather false to me, it feels like we’re living in one right now. Many states with affordable housing (Illinois) aren't attracting new residents because property taxes are so high. 1 million households pay more than 50% Also, in the provinces where housing shortage is most prevalent (ON and BC) it seems logical that permitting and development fees be lowered significantly, even if that may mean higher mill rates (property taxes). The wealthiest country in human history has trouble keeping its people housed, even in good times. 587 subscribers in the WSJauto community. Mortgage applications are down 40% in the last 2 months. 57 votes, 24 comments. But no matter what the scenario - you are and will remain a sore loser. Please read the rules… Reddit's largest economics community. A place to freely discuss and investigate the current US housing bubble. But this gives builders an opening and they are building as much as possible, while existing owners hold onto their properties. Meanwhile, prices continue to soar to record highs. In the short term some people will go bankrupt and lose their home and others will have a hard time getting credit so prices will drop. A mild recession is a probability. Or it could be in 57. Look at the types of employee that are still on furlough in large proportions - pub/bar/restaurant/leisure industries and some retail. What I've noticed a lot is that people in favor of 'yes' make an analogy to 2008 housing market crash, and the other people in favor of 'no' make an analogy to 1981 where the interest rate hiked over 18%. There is no reason to think that rates will return to those levels. If anything, this helps increase overall housing supply. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit Buckle up for more ‘turbulence’ in the housing market, BofA says—it’s a housing recession, 1980s-style finance. Article about freight Market on the verge of a bloodbath. In many areas the housing market is shifting but is still favored toward the seller when you are talking about months of inventory. Moody's places Albuquerque housing market in "significantly overvalued" bucket, predicted to drop 25%-30% in the event of recession Then as wages did not rebound people started to look for ways to make more money, and the housing as an investment mentality came back. The US housing market is in a recession, and home prices are poised to tumble another 20% by next summer, a top economist has warned. If a housing correction is the cause of a recession, it’s just more evidence of the government’s complicity with over reliance on our housing sector being a commodity that’s been carrying our economy. a Huge headwind for a coming recession that will definitely effect the housing bubble. The though the media is pretending that the masses are just spending like crazy; it's false. Typically in a recession, housing demand drops, as people move around and upgrade less due to a weaker economy. Businesses are run by people susceptible to chatter. Aug 23, 2022 · We’re in a ‘housing recession,’ experts say. This means that there is typically reduced demand for housing. Is it going to cause a recession? Minor realignments happen all the time. low demand at current price levels) and not an oversupply of housing. Feels like the worst time to buy a house at the peak of the market but with rates rising it doesn't help affordability anyway. Racism is still absolutely prohibited, but you are welcome to debate population growth, immigration rate, foreign home buyers, and the merits of single family homes or the green zone. 4 million households pay more than 30% of their income on housing costs, of which 12. sn hi lm ju tc hi vr xu xb dq