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C get time in seconds


C get time in seconds. We can get the current time with std::chrono::system_clock::now () from the <chrono. dwHighDateTime) << 32LL); What I want to do is to get the number of seconds gone in the day (0- 86400) with millisecond resolution so Here is how to get simple C-like millisecond, microsecond, and nanosecond timestamps in C++: The new C++11 std::chrono library is one of the most complicated piles of mess C++ I have ever seen or tried to figure out how to use, but at least it is cross-platform! Jul 1, 2016 · Then you will need the following to get time in seconds: time = (tend - tstart) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC; Share. currentDT = datetime. Use clock_gettime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC) instead. You can use the solution with std::chrono described here: Getting an accurate execution time in C++ (micro seconds) you will have much better accuracy in your measurement. Sometimes it may be late or ahead (sometimes just few seconds, sometime minutes). The resultant value is stored in a std::tm object pointed to by tmb . This clock shows time from our dedicated server synchronised with atomic clock. The main idea is to extract from each member of tv,tz the data to form local time. In the Linux manual page: "Note that the time can wrap around. Dec 19, 2011 · How to measure time in milliseconds using ANSI C? How can I get the Windows system time with millisecond resolution? We want to calculate the time which a player have taken to finish the game. If I had the following code: clock_t t; t = clock(); //algorithm t = clock() - t; t would equal the number of ticks to run the program. It's also usable with C++03. LIBRARY top. getdate () This function is used to get the CPU time. Although libraries may implement this type using alternative Jul 1, 2012 · 60. Convert it back to time_t with mktime(). It consists of a count of ticks of type Rep and a tick period, where the tick period is a compile-time rational fraction representing the time in seconds from one tick to the next. Aug 20, 2020 · Although not defined, this is almost always an integral value holding the number of seconds (not counting leap seconds) since 00:00, Jan 1 1970 UTC, corresponding to POSIX time. 01 00:00:00 UTC) to present. int timespec_get(struct timespec *ts, int base) Unfortunately, C11 is not yet available everywhere, so as of now, the closest to portable is using one of the POSIX functions clock_gettime or gettimeofday (marked obsolete in POSIX. , if the system administrator manually changes the Jun 20, 2012 · One way to improve performance though would be to simply use the clock's native epoch rather than insist on using the time since midnight; You could simply use system_clock::time_point directly, or do the conversions at a later time. , a unix timestamp). Measuring in micro/nanoseconds is inherently too imprecise. My base class is AActor. 01. hpp>. . This applies to Hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds So best thing to do is, either a stop watch, or two DateTime instances, one for start and one for end, var st =DateTime. 44. There are four time-related types: clock_t, time_t, size_t, and tm. Follow Dec 30, 2015 · Here is a free, open-source date library which will do this for you. In C, what is the quickest, best way to get the current time's hour into an int variable, so that it can easily be checked against--to determine if, in fact, it is after 2pm on today? Jun 15, 2009 · 542. time_t t1 = mktime(&day); The mktime method converts the date into seconds. 780000 The %T formatter will output whatever precision your time_point has, and the %T parser will parse up to as many decimal digits as your time_point has. If you find time zone (by region and city or by country), exact local time clock will be visible on that page. Use our exact time clock to compare the exact time with seconds. You can use it to get the current hours and minutes since midnight in the UTC timezone like this: auto now = date::floor<std::chrono::minutes>(std::chrono::system_clock::now()); Jun 6, 2023 · The _get_timezone function retrieves the difference in seconds between UTC and local time as an integer. Jan 28, 2015 · Zoro123 (Zoro123) January 28, 2015, 4:15pm 1. – Sep 20, 2010 · Following is the util function to get current timestamp in milliseconds: struct timeval te; gettimeofday(&te, NULL); // get current time. Formats a system time as a time string for a specified locale. You need to manipulate it by yourself, because I don't know your UTC time. Jul 16, 2015 · Another option is to construct a new DateTime instance from the source DateTime value: // current date and time var now = DateTime. Feel free to inspect the code if you want to know exactly how it is done. If you want to get that in hours/minutes/seconds, you can use the FTimespan structure. class Rep, class Period =std::ratio<1>. I am trying to time-profile a function call in C++ & need to log the time in seconds up to 3 decimal places. tv_sec) * (int64_t)1000000000UL. py with the below content. The std::time returns the current calendar time encoded as a std::time_t object. The return value is 0 on success and -1 on failure. Mar 1, 2009 · 0. The time () function is used to determine the current calendar time, in seconds. h> header, and convert it to a std::time_t type (time since epoch). Hour; date. Unreal Engine Blueprint API Reference > Utilities > Time. Sep 13, 2023 · std:: get_time. Kind); Get Real Time Seconds. The tm structure is probably the easiest for a C++ programmer to work with - the following prints today's date: #include <ctime>. h header file contains definitions of functions to get and manipulate date and time information. 141 seconds). The library will add the s for you. Jan 1, 1970 · you can get the ticks from 1970 (ie the UNIX timestamp) like this: TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime. How do you do this with the new c++11 <chrono> libraries? I've been working on it and googling ( information is sparse ). 1-2008, which Nov 13, 2023 · std::chrono:: duration. Dec 6, 2023 · time. Which is defined to be seconds from which all other ratios are derived. If seconds is NULL, the invalid parameter handler is invoked, as Get Game Time in Seconds. The C library function time_t time (time_t *seconds) returns the time since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970), measured in seconds. Your call to ctime() is returning a string representing a time before that epoch, which means your input time_t value must be a negative value. If you wanted the time in milliseconds you could do: std::chrono::duration<double, std::ratio<1, 1000>> elapsed_milliseconds = end-start; Mar 15, 2015 · CLOCK_MONOTONIC is from arbitrary epoch, and it actually varies from machine to machine and every boot in Linux. I have used GetSystemTimeAsFileTime () in the code below: FILETIME ft; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft); long long ll_now = (LONGLONG)ft. Get Time Seconds. Jun 16, 2018 · One could/should implicitly convert once to duration<double> instead of explicitly converting to milliseconds and then manually converting to double-based seconds. 323232. May 11, 2010 · My second answer is the time taken is 0 seconds and 26339 microseconds, that is 0. To get the current time (you have several different clocks available, see the doc): std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> t2; t2 = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); // ('start' and 'end' are of the type of 't2') For the time in milliseconds, you can get the duration between midnight and the current time. Time in New York, United States now: 08:21:15pm. Otherwise, (time_t)-1 shall be returned. Oct 9, 2020 · This page was last modified on 9 October 2020, at 13:08. So do the following after populating the struct: tmVar. Just t2-t1 will work fine. The time. Both of these functions accept a single parameter, a pointer to a SYSTEMTIME structure , which they fill in with the current date and time information. Get the current calendar time as a value of type time_t. It can tell time up to nanosecond precision, if the system supports. Jun 28, 2023 · It is the only C++ clock that has the ability to map its time points to C-style time. 791 seconds. auto now = system_clock::now(); // get number of milliseconds for the current second. now() print (str(currentDT)) The output looks like below: 2018-03-01 17:03:46. auto ms_since_epoch = duration_cast<milliseconds> (since_epoch); already seems pretty simple. Now; // modified date and time with millisecond accuracy var msec = new DateTime(now. The simple answer is NO, ANSI C does not support millisecond precision or better. The tm_year field is years since 1900, so subtract 1900 from this value. Dec 11, 2008 · You can get a time with millisecond precision by taking the time in seconds and multiplying by 1000, but that's no use. This is done every day and the program needs to check if that time is reached. double m_dCurrentTime = GetWorld ()->GetRealtimeSeconds (); It seemsthere is something I do not understand. Standard C library ( libc, -lc ) SYNOPSIS top. NAME top. h to calculate the same: #include <ctime> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main (int argc, char** argv) { clock_t start; double diff; start = clock (); diff = ( std::clock () - start ) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC May 5, 2018 · Timestamp: 1343846167. Following is the declaration for time () function. The third question asks: "What about **time taken = 4 45025, does that mean 4 seconds and 25 msec?" Jan 1, 1970 · bzabhi 's answer is correct: you simply multiply the Unix timestamp by 1000 to get milliseconds. TotalSeconds; Share May 16, 2011 · Using C++17 or earlier, time() is the simplest function - seconds since Epoch, which for Linux and UNIX at least would be the UNIX epoch. Here's a function that just converts the struct to a simple 64-bit integer so you can get time in milliseconds. This page has been accessed 578,815 times. Find the difference between the original time_t value and the new one. struct tm *ptm = gmtime(&t2); We get the broken-down time with the gmtime method. No header file is needed. Apr 29, 2013 · I have this program which prints the time difference between 2 different instances, but it prints in accuracy of seconds. count() << ''; } You first discover your current IANA timezone with current_zone (). Description. The function returns this value, and if the argument is not a null pointer , it also sets this value to the object pointed by timer . Example Jan 31, 2015 · I’m have tried to find a way to get delta time with no luck. Surely that means you need the time in microseconds (to have 6 decimal places - milliseconds would be only 3 decimal places). Jun 22, 2013 · 819 1 9 19. time () This function is used to get current system time as structure. you can't use timediff in this line: elapsed = timediff (t1, t2); unless define the correct header file. h>. When you have the duration of the correct representation, you can use the count member function of duration to get the value in the desired representation. duration is a member type, defined as an alias of its second class template parameter ( Duration ), which is an instantiation of duration . You can initialiaze the struct like so : Dec 28, 2014 · @user3665224 time_point will return the value from (1970. Pointer to the storage location for time. time_t t2 = t1 + one_day + sixty_days; We go to the end of the day by adding one day in seconds and then add sixty days. It describes three time-related data types. Oct 27, 2023 · The encoding of calendar time in std::time_t is unspecified, but most systems conform to the POSIX specification and return a value of integral type holding 86400 times the number of calendar days since the Epoch plus the number of seconds that have passed since the last midnight UTC. This mean that it is synchonizing in real time with our server clock. The value returned generally represents the number of seconds since 00:00 hours, Jan 1, 1970 UTC (i. @dannas: Cuz you are dividing as: t/360 where it should be t/3600 (remember 60 * 60) – Abhineet. If seconds is not NULL, the return value is also stored in variable seconds. You can invoke std::chrono::duration_cast to cast from one duration type to another. The types - clock_t, size_t and time_t are capable of representing the system time and date as some sort of integer. Now Aug 24, 2020 · The time can be 00:00:01 seconds untill 24:00:00 hours. #include <stdio. 026339 seconds, which bears out the first example executing in less than 1 second. Jun 15, 2015 · The functions gettimeofday() and settimeofday() can get and set the time as well as a timezone. – inckka. The time span between the epoch and the time_point. com; Disclaimers Dec 11, 2016 · Time points. Improve this answer. time - get time in seconds. h. I want to print it in milliseconds and another in nanoseconds difference. 27 Documentation Oct 17, 2012 · The above code will still give times in terms of nanoseconds, but timings less than 100 microseconds will end up being zero nanoseconds. It is the best stopwatch available on Windows. Jan 18, 2023 · This is sixty days expressed in seconds. is was +0. @Barnes53 your solution is exactly what the OP needs. QElapsed timer measured 8. e. You also need to call one of two functions (either GetLocalTime () or GetSystemTime ()) to fill out the struct. Sep 7, 2015 · To do that I am using the Windows 7 system time. The seconds segment of the value returned by gettimeofday() is the same as that returned by time() and can be cast to a time_t and used in difftime. , the current unix timestamp ). Privacy policy; About cppreference. import datetime. You need to subtract the seconds and microseconds. You say you need an output like 12:02:34. time_t: time_t represents the clock time as an integer which is a Oct 26, 2022 · time_t time = (time_t)(atoi(secs_since_epoch_str)); But, if I look up the definition of time_t: typedef /* unspecified */ time_t; Although not defined by the C standard, this is almost always an integral value holding the number of seconds (not counting leap seconds) since 00:00, Jan 1 1970 UTC, corresponding to POSIX time. Oct 28, 2023 · epoch: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 today: Fri Jun 30 10:44:11 2017 hours since epoch: 416338 yesterday, hours since epoch: 416314 Aug 9, 2016 · struct timeval { time_t tv_sec; /* seconds */ suseconds_t tv_usec; /* microseconds */ }; The tv_sec and tv_usec fields together contains the seconds and microseconds since the epoch. Is this the same is CPU time? How do I compare CPU time of two Mar 22, 2014 · You can use standard C API: Get current time with time(). Dec 17, 2014 · You can use gettimeofday to get the number of microseconds since epoch. 016 seconds on average, the difference being 30 ms. To get microseconds since the epoch, from C11 on, the portable way is to use. The resolution is still only 1 second. #include <time. #include <boost/chrono. Determines whether the system is applying periodic time adjustments to its time-of-day clock. int64_t can handle CLOCK_REALTIME Jan 1, 1970 · What is epoch time? The Unix epoch (or Unix time or POSIX time or Unix timestamp) is the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT), not counting leap seconds (in ISO 8601: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z). I use the chrono library to get the time now since epoch in seconds using: Jul 21, 2012 · 1. May 2, 2017 · Assumption: time_t is seconds since the beginning of a day - universal time. Feb 8, 2022 · Download Run Code. Day, now. Millisecond, now. To access date and time related functions and structures, you would need to include <ctime> header file in your C++ program. @inckka, timediff () is defined right above main (). Second, now. Since C++11, the standard solution to get the current time and date in C++ is using chrono library. tm_year -= 1900; tmVar. Perhaps the problem is the basic mindset of chrono where it's hoped that you'll stick with type safety and a richer type system than just unsigned long. Returns time in seconds since world was brought up for play, does NOT stop when game pauses, NOT dilated/clamped. This function used to modify the system date. The following line of code is not acepteds y compiler, claiming GetRealtimeSeconds () is not a member of UWorld. difftime () This function is used to get the difference between two given times. Haatschii. Jun 20, 2012 at 16:56. Just use Hour and Minute properties. Be aware that all millisecond values returned by relying on the Unix timestamp will be multiples of 1000 (like 12345678000). Second); Feb 2, 2016 · using namespace std::chrono; // get current time. [This is not a duplicate. Nov 25, 2012 · What is the standard way to get the current time in seconds (since the epoch) in a kernel module? I have seen techniques involving getting xtime which are very long-winded and involve while-loops and locks. The above answers do not fully answer the question (specifically the millisec part). It is best to let <chrono> do the conversions for you in order to avoid errors. It is defined in the header <ctime>. Declaration. Target is Gameplay Statics. , time since 00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Thursday, 1 January 1970, not counting leap seconds). When used in an expression in >> get_time(tmb, fmt), parses the character input as a date/time value according to format string fmt according to the std::time_get facet of the locale currently imbued in the input stream in. Add a comment. Literally speaking the epoch is Unix time 0 (midnight 1/1/1970), but 'epoch' is often used as a synonym for Unix time. asked Apr 23, 2013 at 19:07. So if somebody wants to move a file at 12:00:00 pm today, the move time is 12 * 60 * 60 = 43200 seconds. 759624. The precision of the syncronization with the web server is 0. Write((DateTime. Hm, the question actually was: "how extract hours from time_t" (in the problem spec I added the other question). The difference is not that much. Next you can convert that to your local time, and then subtract the result from any epoch you desire (1970-01-01 in this example). This parameter may be NULL, in which case the return value isn't stored. The only data stored in a duration 3. Nov 20, 2016 · This might sound like a basic question but I've searched a lot. May 21, 2016 · cout << s. time () returns the time as the number of seconds since the Epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC). 9,129 11 60 97. This stops when the game is paused and is affected by slomo. e. Returns time in seconds since world was brought up for play, does NOT stop when game pauses, NOT dilated/clamped Unreal Engine 4. Minute, now. C++ shares its date/time functions with C. This is converted into seconds. // Mar 31, 2009 · Now suppose there is some processing that it only has to do after a certain (configurable) time--say, 2 pm (and before midnight). See Time Types, for a description of struct timespec . time_t time(time_t *t) Parameters. 2 second. 26 Documentation Unreal Engine 4. clock () This function is used to get current system time. The time function returns the number of seconds elapsed since midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), according to the system clock. A millisecond is 1000 microseconds. but that is not exact. The cppreference page linked above gives this example : 1 1. The following example shows the usage of time () function. The tv argument is a struct timeval (as specified in ): struct timeval { time_t tv_sec; /* seconds */ suseconds_t tv_usec; /* microseconds */ }; and gives the number of seconds and microseconds since the Epoch (see time(2)). A clock may be system-wide and hence visible for all processes, or per-process if it measures time only To get the duration returned by time_since_epoch in correct type, you can cast it using std::chrono::duration_cast. Class template std::chrono::duration represents a time interval. Usually we measure code execution in the round of the milliseconds (ms) or even microseconds (us). Second = 50 After 15 Seconds DateTime. Function: intclock_gettime(clockid_t clock, struct timespec *ts) ¶. For historical reasons, it is generally implemented as an integral value representing the number of seconds elapsed since 00:00 hours, Jan 1, 1970 UTC (i. The default value is 28,800 seconds, for Pacific Standard Time (eight hours behind UTC). If you don't want the default value, call _tzset first to initialize the timezone. May 4, 2021 · The time taken for such an action is in the space of nanoseconds. "date/date. Whatever units end - start are defined in get converted to std::ratio<1> as in seconds. Calling it, however, takes a bit more effort because it involves a struct. So what you need to do is: std::chrono::time_point currently = std::chrono::time_point_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(. var date = DateTime. Now. RtlTimeToSecondsSince1970. GetTimeFormat. std::time_t t = std::time(0); // get time now. // (remainder after division into seconds) auto ms = duration_cast<milliseconds>(now. count() << "s". Oct 24, 2017 · std::chrono::system_clock::time_point tp; and this would have changed my output to: 2017-10-23 07:23:08. My solution to this is to use gettimeofday before strftime. Using std::time. AddSeconds(-date. Month, now. If you need greater precision, you can use platform-specific functions like Windows' GetSystemTimeAsFileTime() or *nix's gettimeofday(). Man Pages say - The time returned by gettimeofday () is affected by discontinuous jumps in the system time (e. Now Console. var zeroSecondDate = date. Mar 16, 2016 · There's the time() function, but it returns seconds, not milliseconds. h>: struct timespec { time_t tv_sec; /* seconds */ long tv_nsec; /* nanoseconds */ }; The clockid argument is the identifier of the particular clock on which to act. RtlLocalTimeToSystemTime. tm_mon--; Output: tm_year :117. Get Game Time in Seconds. 046 seconds on average and QTime measured 8. Jul 26, 2016 at 8:57. a value from 0 to 999999. #include <chrono>. More details and demonstration video you can find on this page. We can call the clock function at the beginning and end of the code for which we measure time, subtract the values, and then divide by CLOCKS_PER_SEC (the number of clock ticks per second) to get processor time, like following. int main() {. Oct 19, 2016 · The standard C library provides timespec_get. But QTime seemed to give me a little bit more quicker execution time. Example with std::chrono: Jun 21, 2022 · To calculate time taken by a process, we can use clock () function which is available time. The tm_mon field is months since January, so subtract 1 from this value. GetSystemTime () will give you the time and date in UTC. In this library, objects of the time_point class template express this by using a duration relative to an epoch (which is a fixed point in time common to all time_point objects using the same clock). I have found a lot of answers on how to do it, bou not with c++. 2. You can Alias of a fundamental arithmetic type capable of representing times, as those returned by function time. clock_t: clock_t represents the date as an integer which is a part of the calendar time. Converts the specified local time to system time. #include <sys/time. But with time. 1 day ago · Your time is exact! The difference from Time. Hello, I want to get the system time under UE 4 in C++. Check your computer or cell phone clock accuracy. Convert it to struct tm with gmtime_r() or localtime_r(). 093 seconds (±0. 304 seconds or . Get the current time according to the clock identified by clock , storing it as seconds and nanoseconds in *ts . There must be a better way. The microseconds part contains only the fractional seconds, i. Feb 18, 2015 · But very minor. For timestamps, use CLOCK_REALTIME, as it uses the 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC epoch. UtcNow - new DateTime(1970,1,1,0,0,0); double unixVersion = timeSpan. – bames53. Example: Mar 9, 2015 · Add a comment. Linux manpage here . Second will be 5, not 65 Thats why you are getting the negative values. And t2-t1 won't give you the answer in milliseconds. std::chrono::system_clock meets the requirements of TrivialClock . Now; date. As the API is a C++ class/function, I am using the timer. tv_sec - before. GetLocalTime () will give you the time and date specific to your time zone. tv_usec/1000; // calculate milliseconds. 38. g. ms precision functions don't necessarily have ms accuracy - although they generally do better than 1s accuracy. Create file getDateTime1. I have looked through previous questions on SO. I measured the number crunching code of 4 methods (3 times with QTime and 3 with QElapsedTimer). std::chrono::duration has two template parameters, the second being exactly the unit of measure. time_since_epoch()) % 1000; // convert to std::time_t in order to convert to std::tm (broken time) auto timer = system_clock The res and tp arguments are timespec structures, as specified in <time. Hour, now. Minute; Or you can easily zero the seconds using. Is it possible to get the time in milliseconds? and what is the %? to printf? Get Game Time in Seconds. The comment from Pavel is correct also. " To get CPU time getrusage () is better, although clock is part of ANSI C, but getrusage/gettimeofday () not. To be human-readable, value should minus (Today 00:00 UTC). Returns time in seconds since world was brought up for play, adjusted by time dilation and IS stopped when game pauses. A reference to a specific point in time, like one's birthday, today's dawn, or when the next train passes. For example 2. If you don't actually care about the date and time but just want to time the interval between two events, like this: Use the below sample script to get the current date and time in a Python script and print results on the screen. 2k 39 254 325. wYear, wMonth, wDayOfWeek, wDay, wHour, wMinute, wSecond and wMilliseconds. Dec 21, 2022 · C time () function - Get time. Then you get the current time with system_clock::now () and truncate it to seconds. NtQuerySystemTime. Using std::chrono. Boost also provides an implemenation, boost::chrono, which does seem to use nanoseconds on Windows. This is based on Hamid Nazari's answer. And once we get C++20, you'll be able to drop the . Gets time delta in seconds. You need to adjust the values stored in your struct. 19 hours ago · The actual time is: The time of your computer is synchronized with our web server. (int64_t)(after. Target is Kismet System Library. h we could only calculate in seconds. Jan 2, 2017 · Explanation: DateTime. If you want the current date and time in UTC format , call the GetSystemTime function . Share. long long milliseconds = te. Note the care to avoid rounding millisec to "1000". Return Value. h>time_t time (time_t *_Nullable tloc); DESCRIPTION top. h header file in C with Examples. tv_sec*1000LL + te. I am trying to use std::chrono to do it like this: Apr 9, 2019 · 4. The structure type tm holds the date Jan 15, 2012 · If you want the current local date and time, call the GetLocalTime function. The following code example demonstrates its usage to get the number of seconds that have passed since the epoch. Jun 28, 2012 · Jun 28, 2012 at 10:33. Returns the system time. Set its tm_sec, tm_min, tm_hour to zero. dwLowDateTime + ((LONGLONG)(ft. The epoch of system_clock is unspecified, but most implementations use Unix Time (i. datetime. This is commonly Jan 1, 1970 UTC of which the code is assumed to be using given sys/time. Feb 8, 2018 · This post will discuss how to get the current time and date in C++. 5 Jul 22, 2020 · boost::posix_time::ptime pt(not_a_date_time); ss >> pt; std::cout << pt << std::endl; But boost api only give total_milliseconds. Jan 25, 2024 · ctime() takes in a time_t representing the number of seconds elapsed since the epoch: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC). 1. You should use it only to measure intervals, i. The return value is stored in the location given by destTime. Jan 18, 2013 · I want to be able to have a Duration frameStart; ( from app start ) and a Duration frameDelta; ( time between frames ) I need to be able to get the frameDelta duration as milliseconds and float seconds. Upon successful completion, time () shall return the value of time. Year, now. #include <iostream>. After you use difftime, calculate the difference in the microseconds field yourself. On a 32bit system where CLOCKS_PER_SEC equals 1000000 this function will return the same value approximately every 72 minutes. Get the current game time, in seconds. Get Real Time Seconds. For benchmarking, you want QueryPerformanceCounter. Apr 6, 2013 · I've tried a couple methods to print out time from the system_clock but I can't get anything other than whole seconds: system_clock::time_point now = system_clock::now(); std::time_t now_c = Stack Overflow Feb 2, 2015 · Yes, you can use the following : float realtimeSeconds = UGameplayStatics::GetRealTimeSeconds(()); Basically, the UGameplayStatics class contains lots of neat stuff, and 2 or 3 other useful function regarding time. std::tm* now = std::localtime(&t); Apr 30, 2022 · Call the function enough times that you get total time in the seconds, and use any method to measure (even plain C clock ()). Jun 28, 2012 at 10:37. – user172818. 11. The answer offered by @Daniel Kamil Kozar is the correct answer - gettimeofday actually should not be used to measure the elapsed time. h" doesn't do time zones. gq hl lm yu sm aj wu pm fg tu