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Frigate card camera unavailable reddit


Frigate card camera unavailable reddit. 1. Keeping it to only events and only ones under certain circumstances made that feasible. Resolution: 1280*720. HassOS. Hikvision is available too. It feels like it should be straight forward. Join. The birdseye config should be a global config, it can be placed at the top level (no indentation) anywhere in the file. Or check it out in the app stores Help Needed How to set up Frigate card w/ tapo camera 2-way audio Bubble Card is out! It's a new card collection for Home Assistant that allows you to create animated pop-ups. 264. -1 Lorex 2K WiFi doorbell camera via RTSP stream to Frigate/HA (substream only, H265 main stream does not work) The Coral Accelerator is the same regardless of the interface. g. I have 3x rlc-410 poe cams and the wifi doorbell. • 1 mo. Frigate Clips Won't Play. Hide shadows on some themes. Uses "Frigate Card" and WebRTC plugin. 5yleop1m. I use ubiquiti, reolink, and amcrest cameras in my frigate set up. Both of them have continuous rtsp enabled in the eufy app. , the rtsp restream of the main feed for that camera. Google Coral TPU I got my frigate up and running on my lorex based system. The frigate log doesn't have any errors(has some about ffmpeg when hwaccel is on but that's another post I need to make next) and when I install the integration it finds my cameras but all of the entities say unavailable. I was very annoyed by the fact that I received that many notifications, and almost none of them were really persons. It now exists! https://github. I checked nvidia-smi and it shows processes being used in memory. i'm running ha supervisor 2023. The eufy cams are the same model (came in the same pack actually). I've been trying to get the two way audio to work using Frigate, HA, HA Frigate integration and the Frigate card. Also the frigate card has an option to have a cameras event list show all events. 1, frigate 0. I have a single camera that doesn't work with hwacceleration turned on, I was wondering if there is a way to turn it off? I tried putting blank hwaccel_args in the camera config to override the global config, but it doesn't seem to do anything. Virtual machines. I kept having error 401 in the log which is just an authentication error. 0-614A36A via docker container, coral TPU and nvidia 1660 super GPU Home Assistant 2023. ONVIF PTZ Support. everything works great in homeassistant on my pc but on my iphone the frigate lovelace card is only showing like 1 frame a second. I was doing that manually at night with my phone and using the Tinycam app. Small fixes for smaller device (thanks to samuel9554!). The only other alternative, WebRTC, wont work on iPhone (from outside my LAN). Encode Mode: H. Things I have tried: I saw in the docs a config for the doorbell, describing two way audio, using port 1935, which I assume is RTMP? Tried it, didnt work. I set the hwaccel per camera. 9. The camera that successfully loads on this dash does not load on another dashboard. 0-rc1 and frigate-hass-card. I then adjusted my Frigate docker containers config and added the ffmpeg config to Frigates own config and Frigate is now happily using the GPU. com/dermotduffy/frigate-hass-card. Internet Details Popup. Nothing wrong with Amcrest though. I just installed Frigate 0. 12. When I check the cameras individually I do get the image and it works fine, it's only in frigate that there is a problem. My hope is to pick up two Loryta 4MP 1/1. Hardware. So, I can just pop it above my camera config settings and make sure there is no indent I have brought 2 wifi reolink doorbell cameras which I plan to integrate into home assistant, and in addition to the footage saved on the SD card inside the camera, I would like to have 24/7 footage saved inside my house too. guardian. Powered by. Frigate is much better than blue Iris for detection. I'm likely going to try flipping the direction of ingestion soon so that it goes Camera -> Frigate -> Surveillance Station so that there's less detection delay. 0 then you get a very nice new Recordings UI in the frontend where you can play back up to an hour Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. This thing is awesome - very configurable and does not require frigate integration. This enables features like better quality live views in frigate and in HomeAssistant (if you use that). This behavior is consistent. 1 / 5. 03. Greytones determine the amount of daylight and temps are below. I am coming from Nest Cams in the Nest app, and we are very used to just clicking on the camera stream to see the live view, and being able to just scrub back in time right from there to see what happened over the last hour, day, week, etc without going to With the frigate lovelace card I am either forced to use the low qualitiy detect stream (frigate-jsmpeg) or relay it over RTMP and have a horrendous delay (on iPhone even with ll hls enabled). The frigate card documentation has an example with an SD and HD substream here. all cameras in a room). 264 video and AAC audio will offer the most compatibility with all features of Frigate and Home Assistant. Ability to change the default top margin for desktop and/or mobile. This only happens on this one camera, the rest are fine. The only things that are different between the eufy cams: The functional camera doesn't have user/pass in the address. Available for free at home-assistant. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. The Frigate UI does only show the 720 stream, which is unfortunate, but probably needed to properly using the masking and zoning tools. when i click on a clip the media player starts but it just spins and i see no video. I'm very new to homeassistant and home automation and I've been searching the forum for details on Frigate but I'm a little confused. I don't personally own one so I can't really walk you through the process, but generally you'll need to connect it to a Tuya-compatible app (you've likely already done this when you set it up) and within the settings in that app you can set the camera's rtsp username/password. Those switches are unavailable. Frigate camera problems. Sometimes I have recordings that are missing video altogether (audio is still there), so I'm inclined to believe Frigate is the issue. Frigate is so much less resource intensive even with detection and recording. I added Frigate this weekend and am having trouble with getting my cameras connected. 7. Here in Switzerland we don't have Dahua or Amcrest available for camera's. I've been looking at the Hikvision 8MP 4k POE and the Reolink CX410 but am also thinking what's wrong with a DIY Raspberry Pi global shutter cam? I have an Frigate live feed and scrub recording. I know this is something that's discussed frequently but I'm looking to bin off my Reolink RLC-822A due to it's all or nothing IR LEDs not giving a good image at night. I can unmute the speaker and hear just fine, so 1 way is fine. Personal Setup. 4K subscribers in the frigate_nvr community. Edit: I just discovered discussions on Frigates Github repo where the developer has stated the short recordings are on purpose to reduce data loss, if you upgrage to 0. It’s a different approach, but with the same outcome. 168. io. I only recommend reolink now. 300 GB free SSD disk space. I Frame Interval: 5. However if I try to pull them up via the card or the media browser within HA they just load indefinitely. Music Popup using a stack of "Mini Media Player" cards. Obviously all of my automations and other HA stuff is Camera has issues with overloading and freezing (backed by 1 comment) Software and setup process needs improvement (backed by 1 comment) Customer service response time and availability needs improvement (backed by 1 comment) According to Reddit, Reolink is considered a reputable brand. Also, seeing this in the logs, not sure if it's helpful or not: 2023-04-04 21:46:56. Live viewing. As of 0. height: 720 # <- optional, by default Frigate tries to automatically detect resolution. However, the performance isn't as good as the native WebRTC integration . OP • 2 mo. /media/frigate/clips: Used for snapshot storage. Its most popular types of products are: All 3 cameras work in frigate with jsmpeg. Or check it out in the app stores Help Needed How to set up Frigate card w/ tapo camera 2-way audio I've tried adding a tapo: entry under go2rtc and a test camera reading it, which just throws connection errors. Getting the Google Coral passed through to a Docker container on the NAS is a little tricky, but there are a few Docker images which manage it. I use both. I’m using frigate, due to my rental setup I can’t put cameras outside so they are pointing through a window. This camera does not load on one dashboard. Any recommendations for an indoor camera, preferably one that you can put on a table. We've seen most issues with Reolink cameras, so the docs recommend against those if possible. Can I configure Frigate to serve a live stream to clients on the network that they can view in their browser? I'm trying to make an RTSP stream from an ONVIF camera available to guests on my network so they can view this live stream via the browser on their phone (audio is needed, too) Vote. My cameras are reolink RLC-520 . 3. Frigate uses the following locations for read/write operations in the container. js code but that was a trivial job and fixed the reliability issue. H. 99 Daily lessons, support and discussion for those following the month-long "Linux Upskill Challenge" course material. there are so many options and diffrent ways to do this im at a loss i feel like it is Continuing to refine my single-view dashboard. monk3e. It takes the stream from your camera and makes it available in a variety of formats. yaml. view E3. I'm in the process of upgrading my old coax camera system to higher resolution 4k cameras and have a couple of questions. Originally I planned to use the regular cache and have the mover dump everything to the array each day, but because Frigate reads/writes to a database file constantly that got transferred to the array, drives wouldnt ever spin down. IP Camera upgrade + Frigate. All of my substreams are h. Tons of duplicate Frigate entities. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. I've recently watched a few videos about it because I'm considering moving over, but haven't actually tried yet so can't say specifically how to do it. It has been working okay, but the stream never worked, it was only still images updated every second and only at the low resolution. This is very recent - just updated today to core-2022. I'll post my configs in a comment. Tapo camera -> RTSP -> Frigate -> RTMP -> Go2rtc & Home assistant dashboard. 1, but this problem was also in the previous I'm trying to get Frigate going on my garage cameras to use them to keep my lights on when a person is detected. front_door_detect and I noticed on the Frigate Card Github Frigate is designed around the expectation that a detector is used to achieve very low inference speeds. Hi! After a long month on bug fixing Bubble Card, I’m finally confident enough to release the new v1. A good point, and one of the first attempts I made at optimizing this. i run about 6 cameras simultaneously and that Also as an aside, you've set max_frames which is HIGHLY discouraged as it forcefully breaks frigate stationary object tracking and leads to undesired behavior (except for the very specific instances it is mentioned for use) # recommend removing this part. I noticed that within the webui and when I pull the files up on PC the recordings work great. 12, Frigate supports a handful of different detector types with varying inference speeds and performance. No firmware changes requires, but might requires a cloudkey or Unifi NVR to operate. It seems in Switzerland it's more TP-Link, Ubiquity, Eufy, Arlo and Reolink. I’m using the Frigate HACS integration with the Frigate Card Lovelace Frontend customization and it works fairly well but I really want to have a button for controlling the detection on each camera. I don't see anything about a Frigate dashboard. I have a Nest doorbell, in the past including a cloud subscription and their person detection is very nice, where it even remembers who-is-who, if Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. 0 release! This major update should be significantly faster for all pop-up users, especially for those using camera pop-ups! I’ve also added new features! I can’t wait for your feedback 🍻 camera. 281K subscribers in the homeassistant community. The best HA camera experience I've had is with rtsp-simple-server proxying to the pre-go2rtc RTSPtoWebRTC based WebRTC camera card. I’ve got two current Amcrest cameras connected to HA with no problems. i have everything configured according to the docs, to the best i can see. TV Media details. No, you don't need Internet for it to work and RTSP is completely over your local network. You need to give frigate the resolution of the sub stream, the one you will use for detection role (and yes, for every camera), which it has to decode to run motion detection on. HA does support 2-way audio using Go2rtc. Or check it out in the app stores Sep 26, 2021 · This is part 4 of the Frigate NVR series. I wanted to add another camera but this camera is only active at night, I did add the camera and it was working fine, however when doing some recent tweaking I noted the frigate logs littered with constant errors due to the missing night cam caused by it being switched off. I can see "inference speed" and detection fps , but can't access the switches to enable/disable detection and snapshot. Something more global seems to have gone wrong in my setup. I'd like to dewarp it, then process normally, looking for people. Do any cameras offer motion detection / facial recognition Recommendation of WiFi RTSP Cameras for use with Frigate (UK Based) Support. Offloading TensorFlow to a detector is an order of magnitude faster and will reduce your CPU load dramatically. r/homeassistant. Company: Visit the ieGeek Store. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Cameras Popup. stairscam and camera. It also reduces the number of connections to your camera itself which can reduce network bandwidth and strain on the camera. I've allowed the camera to access the internet, then reboot the camera, then tried connecting leaving it open, with the same result, using just the password, or admin:MD5HASH. And the object detection entities are also unavailable. 1 / 6. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit on my cameras view using the frigate card and gortc for the camera live display. Frigate Clips and Camera Viewing. go2rtc: modes: "it depends". The media viewer list also does not filter by camera by default. Oct 16, 2021 · SpikeyGG (Greg G. I too am using several Reolink cams w/ Frigate on local-only-VLAN and no issues. Pi-hole Details Popup with button to temporarily disable ad blocking. At the same time, Frigate + Coral. The custom-frigate-card produces the same non-result as the Picture Entity card and the Picture Glance card: no image is displayed in any of these cards. Reolink makes a great doorbell but the frigate devs will tell you to Hey everyone, I’m leaning to setup frigate and overall the experience has been great. Frame Rate: 5. It's a new card collection for Home Assistant that allows you to create animated pop-ups. Cameras configured to output H. At the same time, my M2 Coral TPU arrived. I show how to use the WebRTC card for live viewing and the Frigate card to view live, snapshots, and clips. Currently the cameras are directly connecting via rtsp into HA as well as into frigate for notifications. H265 is CPU intense and should probably only be used for record streams. The coral does not say google when I do lspci but it still seems to work in Frigate as there are no tpu errors when it initializes. ago. I have an Amcrest AD410 doorbell camera and absolutely love it. The notification will include a thumbnail of the event which can be updated with better images as the event progresses. They will all process at the same speed and Frigate will still see them the same. Being able to save a camera layout / view / group is a requirement (e. Edit this page. Very clunky, but you could try serving it as a http/mjpg stream with mjpg-streamer. doorbell_2 and a working camera. 13. Add a Comment. 16 GB RAM. 8" camera's for a little over $100 each over Thanksgiving. 3 via docker container Nabu Casa for remote access Frigate Home Assistant Integration v4. Weather Popup using "custom:weather-card". doorbell plus a dead camera. I would say a good way to go is to find an RTSP camera that you like / fits your needs and then search the issues on GitHub (open and closed) for others that have used that camera. Unfortunate implementation from eufy, and I recognize it's not an officially supported use case of frigate hence me trying janky shit, basically the stream only comes up when the camera's sensors detect motion and inform the home base Here's my config (ignore any incorrect formatting Reddit is a hassle) mqtt: host: 192. 4. The actual substreams range from 10 to 20 fps at the camera. I use VLC and HA/Frigate to access the EUFY camera. Chrome 108+, Safari and Edge are the The recordings on the camera's SD card seem fine. And f you missed it, there is now a fantastic video from BeardedTinker! I ended up setting up a separate pool with 2x 1TB SSDs in raid 0 for a 2TB total cache specifically for Frigate. Bubble Card BETA 2 is out! Here is a recap: Fix the pop-ups default size. 0. 268K Members. Can Frigate handle de-warping a fisheye camera. type: custom:frigate-card cameras: - camera_entity: camera. The go2rtc stream is silky smooth, the frigate-hass-card is a slideshow. Frigate is starting, I'm just not seeing anything with the camera. My camera go to frigate first and frigate then reflects the streams back out to blue Iris. There’s already an entity for switch. 265 has better compression, but less compatibility. Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. 608. I’m currently running HA and frigate in docker containers on an Ubuntu server. I think it gets ignored a lot because iSpy is commercial software, but if you don't use their cloud, you can set up a pretty nice NVR for free with the "Agent NVR" software. Some GUI editor fixes (still need some work). Unwavering_Potato • Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. 2. I setup Frigate for a friend of mine as follows: Frigate installed with Docker in an LXC Container on Proxmox, (3) WYZE cameras connected through DockerWyzeBridge, a Reolink Doorbell integrated CPU usages under 20%. 264 and 5fps. MembersOnline. Right okay. Wireguard VPN. I could not get the main stream to display in HA, unless I changed the I started with only snapshots and then added video for the few times it helps to clarify if the snapshot wasn't definitive on its own. . To my limited understanding Frigate uses one connection to the camera and then re-streams that feed to the dashboard and go2rtc so that the feed can be shown on multiple places at once only using one connection the the camera. Yes the camera can handle more than one stream, I thi nk, also counting the live previews from other systems, it handles until 4 at the time. It also includes cards for controlling entities (with more to come), separators to divide content into categories, and a footer for opening pop-ups. go2rtc is a stream proxy. I found this link about how to do that with ffmpeg in general, and it looks straight forward: So far the only way I've found to do it is with the HACS WebRTC and custom WebRTC camera card, which allows you to unmute by default in the card configuration. More info in comments. I also had a Reolink RLC-410W but after 6 months the power has gone Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Show more. 0 now operates with almost zero resource consumption once loaded (tested on a full Bubble Card dashboard). cameras: - camera_entity: camera. I'm running HA Blue on 2022. I have seen some complaints about the RTSP implementation on the older models. Now to import video feeds into Frigate this is how they're called in the yaml Config: The rtmp stream in the HASS Frigate card is the full 4k stream. Here is the analysis for the Amazon product reviews: Name: Security Camera Outdoor, Wireless WiFi 360° PTZ Camera, ieGeek 15000mAh Solar Security Camera Battery Powered, Home Surveillance Camera with 2-Way Audio, Motion Detection, 1080P Night Vision, SD/Cloud. All work flawlessly with frigate. I'm one of the maintainers of the Home Assistant integration for Frigate. Found that it was necessary to add a reconnect timer to the webrtc-camera. Thanks for that mate. I believe it's pretty straightforward to pass the USB Coral in to a VM with Proxmox. It's faster because it uses a Google Coral. frigate_front. objects: person: 1000. max_frames: default: 3000. Frigate should be able to handle that, at the cost of increased CPU usage. It currently is running barebones mostly for testing. I can see in the Frigate UI that my live views are now full quality and look great. Its sold as a 3MP camera, but its really just 1920x1080 upscaled, so 2MP. When I enter it they aren’t streaming, they seem to update once in a while but I don’t understand if there’s some logic behind and what options I may have. The source camera is a Ubiquiti AI360, which is currently displaying correctly with fisheye. That is, set as h. front live_provider: go2rtc go2rtc: modes: - mse. live view is working The seller is responsive in online forums dedicated to IP Camera Talk. doorbell_3. live_provider: go2rtc. Currently use a yi home 1080p with yi hack v4 firmware which is ok but craps out a lot. Basically everything else is from the docs. One of the long-standing wishlist items had been a custom Frigate Lovelace card that integrates some of the features of Frigate onto a live camera card view. In that case, the SD is selected based on the 'image' provider and the HD is whatever the live stream from frigate is - e. Is there a way to do this with frigate integration acting as a NVR on a raspberry pi? But most of the entities that the integration added are "unavailable". And my Frigate card config. I have my PoE reolink setup this way. 264 at the camera, and set as detect: fps: 5 in Frigate. 0-rc1 (and the accompanying HA integration) and am really impressed with the restream capabilities and the live view options. im using nvidia hw acceleration and go2rtc in frigate. everything is working great, but i cannot play *some* clips in the frigate web view. 1) running on a NUC11 with Coral Edge TPU M. So I am wanting to avoid my cameras connecting to china so I have disconnected them from the internet and disabled the iOS app features. Enable: Sub Stream 2. Well I had Reolink camera's and their NVR, with person/ object detection active. I have blue Iris just recording lower quality streams 24/7 so I can use their nice iPhone app. I also I have mqtt logs showing frigate connected. I have Frigate NVR setup and integrated with HA. Frigate doesnt care about the resolution of the mainstream, it doesnt decode it, it just saves it "as is". Any of the newer 4K Reolink cameras should work absolutely fine with Frigate. ;-) Expect a Thanksgiving/Black Friday sale. Camera options. camera_view: live type: picture-glance entities: [] camera_image: camera. Hoping someone can give me some clarity as I'm unfamiliar with how ONVIF works in general as well as in the context of Frigate. Also being able to use PTZ easily is a requirement (ideally, can control PTZ for any given camera without having to leave the 4 camera view). 4 with Reolink E1 Zoom cameras and getting the following errors, all similar for domain sensor, domain binary sensor, switch and camera. See the screen shots below. Frigate 0. Aimed at those who aspire to get Linux-related jobs in industry - junior Linux sysadmin, devops-related work and similar. i have homeassistant and frigate installed in docker on a old laptop running ubuntu. I have a Coral AI on the way to take the detect work away from the main CPU, but as this is a server (HP ML110G7) with what would appear to be an unsupported (from ffmpeg's point of view) graphics card (Matrox G200), I wondered if there and for port 49185 that should be correct, this is my port mapping, I also added Port Forwarding in the router. Frigate blueprint not working as intended - multiple notifications from the same camera despite setting it to cooldown for 120s Frigate Video Decode Card Recommendations. I can't find anything in logs. Frigate is working, detecting people and recording clips. Daymode - Each tile represents a room/zone and clicking a tile will toggle the lights and turn the icon to yellow. 814691684 [2023-04-04 16:46:56] frigate. I am able to see the frigate stream. 2 version. Thanks for this suggestion. You can control this with the live->height config option, but it states the following in the config file: This must be less than or equal to the In HA, this is what the yaml for the frigate-hass-card looks like: type: custom:frigate-card cameras: - camera_entity: camera. Nothing has changed in regards to reolink, they require specific config to not From what I've read you should be able to get an rtsp stream from one of those cameras. For me night vision matters most, and Ive tried nearly a dozen camera's now, and the best by a long shot is one of the cheapest, but you may have trouble still finding it. 0 EmpireTech 4K Camera with 3 streams enabled: r/homeassistant. There's always the $30 unifi G3 Instant wireless camera. mycamname live_provider: go2rtc go2rtc: modes: - webrtc With or without this file, with or without adding stuff to configuration. VueVille. 2. 0 Frigate lovelace card v5. Docker volume mappings can be used to map these to any location on your host machine. I’m just confused with one thing: the Cameras menu. Its a H. I've been messing w/ my Frigate config, setting up go2rtc, and I got it going but I found that I've doubled and even tripled some entities in the process, so now I've got a dead camera. I now have two cameras, with the second camera previously using around 60% of the CPU for the ffmpeg process - it's now dropped to 9%. ) October 16, 2021, 12:44pm 1. app INFO : Capture process started for living_room_panel: 234 2023-04-04 I'm excited to share that after countless hours of hard work on optimization, stability and bug fixing, Bubble Card v1. Or check it out in the app stores Help Needed How to set up Frigate card w/ tapo camera 2-way audio The resolution in my config is correct for the main stream. Edit: There's a typo in one of the picture captions: "need" should be "seem" Nov 3, 2022 · An MQTT broker such as the Mosquito Broker Addon connected to HA and Frigate; Features. type: custom:frigate-card. Reolink camera issues. I have a reolink camera that I have been using though Frigate with the Frigate card in HA for the past few months. This is the fully-local and free-to-use version of "iSpy". Additional cameras are simply added to the config under the cameras entry. kidsroomcam are the name of the camera - Once this is done add test the streams in go2rtc and ensure audio works - Then add the webrtc lovelace card and this is my code as follows for both the living room cam and kids room cam as specified above Live View with Frigate 0. If I need to review multiple recordings or events, I use a VPN to access the Frigate instance directly. Frigate also records clips however I’ve noticed the clip playback detect: width: 1280 # <- optional, by default Frigate tries to automatically detect resolution. This blueprint will send a notification to your device when a Frigate event for the selected camera is generated. ai USB accelerator is set to detect via the "LOW FLUENT" feed at 640 x 360 with FPS: 7 and max bitrate at 160 Reolink Desktop App stream settings for B800 camera's. I'm running the Frigate add-on within Home Assistant Supervisor. In general it is best to use the built in config editor that will point out any errors. • 8 mo. I am in the EU and am using the new Reolink Duo Floodlight PoE camera with Frigate (version 0. Another camera on the same dashboard, in the same card, with the same configuration, does load. Before I was using Frigate I briefly used Agent NVR and I was actually surprised by how well it worked. vi nv zn qy on wi gk xh tj xc