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Prompts gratis midjourney


Prompts gratis midjourney. Then copy and paste your initial prompt you used to create your character style sheet. a gang of five masculine men, posing body building poses, low angle shot from the floor, hyperrealistic, studio lighting. Midjourney Prompt Builder - Create + Organize AI Image Generation Prompts - It's a CRM for Prompts! Build AI image generation propmpts with custom keywords, styles, genres, artists and dozens of other parameters. This red, hyper-detailed, and hyper-realistic masterpiece appears to transcend into a 4D dimension. Aug 9, 2023 · Este script, e perfecto para crear imágenes espectaculares con Midjourney. You can use Permutation Prompts to create combinations and permutations involving any part of a Midjourney Prompt, including text, image prompts, parameters, or prompt weights. Prompt #2. Break out the paint, crayons, scratchboard, printing presses, glitter, ink, and colored paper. Feb 26, 2023 · Reducir la "calidad" es asumible en ciertas imágenes a costa de tenerlas más rápido, y sobre todo, con menor uso de GPU de Midjourney, que es lo que marca los límites de su plan de pago Prompt de Mujer Africana con el rostro pintado. All versions 6 Niji V6 5. MidjourneyPromptGenerator is an tool that generates unique prompts for the Midjourney AI. Midjourney has four subscription tiers. You can choose from different styles and themes, and get inspired by the examples and tips on how to write a good prompt. 6 Children's Book Illustration in Midjourney. Imagine AI Art Generator is the ultimate way to express your creativity and imagination. It's been a week since the Midjourney V6 release and the results shared so far have been incredibly impressive. Pay month-to-month or for the entire year for a 20% discount. 1. Here are a couple of prompts that captures the essence of nature: [Subject] real photography by daniel kordan, panoramic shot, dutch landscapes, epic. [Subject] real photography, eerie, ultra wide angle, [Color] hues, inspired by vilhelm Apr 21, 2023 · Pulsa enter para enviar el comando al chat general del canal. Midjourney knows simplicity as well. jpg. Un retrato de un personaje famoso. DALL-E promises to stick much more exactly to the wording of your prompt. We have 11 full-time staff and an incredible set of advisors. Enter a description of the picture you want to generate. Patterns. Stylization May 10, 2023 · Midjourney always generates 4 images from the prompts and gives you three options: Redo the whole process to get a new set (the blue double-arrow button) Upscale one of the four pictures (the U1 BlueWillow converts your prompt into AI artwork. 8L Macro IS USM. Crea prompts muy fácil con esta herramienta gratuita May 20, 2023 · Midjourney has become a popular tool for logo creation. About. 7 Pencil Style Illustration in Midjourney. Pilih Media. /imagine movie poster for an action-packed science fiction film about a long war between multiple galaxies in the future, the film features insane special effects and contains many examples of advanced technology Feb 16, 2024 · Here are some good examples to use in your image prompt to improve the realism of the final image. Si quieres ampliar alguna de ellas Jul 12, 2023 · Pixel art isometrics are a popular variant of top-down 2D pixel art games. The Zen Garden. Abstract Expressions. Una vez generada la imagen la verás publicada en el chat del canal. We are a small self-funded team focused on design, human infrastructure, and AI. 2 ISO100 35MM --ar 4:3 --s Oct 2, 2022 · Esta es una Guia para principiantes sobre como comenzar en Midjourney les compartire trucos y los mejores prompts para que puedan lograr resultados muy bueno . 🌈 Salah satu cara terbaik untuk menghasilkan representasi yang penuh gaya adalah dengan menentukan media yang artistik. Free AI paint alternative to Midjourney. IMI Prompt Builder is a comprehensive Midjourney v5 prompt generator with thousands of options available on web, Android, and iOS. artwork that visualizes the concept of sound waves in a bustling cityscape. This tool will help you craft the perfect prompt for generating Midjourney images. The latest version—Niji V5—was released in April 2023. 3 Puntos. The best part is that you choose exactly what will be featured on the pages. mannequins wearing corset, in the style of light azure and dark amber, modern design, fashion catalog photography, fine lines, delicate curves –ar 3:5 –q 2. Una vez hayas hecho unos cuantos prompts, se te pedirá que pagues To help AI Artists become more efficient, I’ve just added a MidJourney Prompt Parameter and Command List Cheat Sheet too. To keep things interesting, each prompt will cover a different movie genre. Sometimes you can go simple. With just a few clicks, users can create unique Midjourney v5 Best MidJourney Prompts: camera lenses and filters. 5. The beauty of Midjourney is that you only need natural language to make a logo. MidJourney es un sistema de Intel Nov 28, 2023 · 3. Referensikan film atau karya seni tertentu. Le Corbusier, born Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, was a Swiss-French architect, designer, and urban planner who is widely regarded as one of the pioneers of modern architecture. Referensikan gaya seni atau artis tertentu. While V5. Use this simple AI bot to create unique images in seconds. 🚀 Best 🔥 Hot New 🔝 Top. Prompts must have multiple image prompts or a single image prompt and a text prompt to work. A square image has equal width and height, described as a 1:1 aspect ratio. 25+ Midjourney V6 Prompts. 2 Cartoon Style Illustration in Midjourney. Use vibrant colors to represent different sounds and their intensities, with overlapping Dec 31, 2023 · They are built on entirely different architectures from the standard Midjourney models. Copy. Apr 18, 2023 · Prompt #1. Dec 5, 2023 · Las indicaciones o PROMPTS son tu herramienta para obtener los resultados que deseas. Su uso es un juego de niños: introduces un prompt, seleccionas un estilo, defines una relación de aspecto, ajustas un nivel de caos, eliges los elementos que quieras excluir y, si te apetece, activas la opción de generar imágenes en mosaico. A Prompt is a short text phrase that the Midjourney Bot interprets to produce an image. Midjourney. Mar 3, 2023 · Neste tutorial, vamos explorar como utilizar o prompt de comando para criar imagens ultrarrealistas no midjourney. A tranquil Zen garden with cherry blossom trees, a small bridge, and koi fish swimming in a pond. Jul 19, 2023 · You can use negative prompts to specify what you don't want in your Midjourney generations. gif, or . This collection of reference images demonstrates precisely how words can shape and influence the art crafted by AI artists. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV with Canon EF 100mm f/2. 3D / Renders. Gunakan bahasa deskriptif. DALL·E 3 is now available to all ChatGPT Plus, Team and Enterprise users, as well as to developers through our API. For example: an astronaut riding a horse on mars, hd, dramatic lighting, detailed. 8G IF-ED Lens. It is often used to create a sense of mystery or danger. Begin with a basic outline. Each subscription plan includes access to the Midjourney member gallery, the official Discord, general commercial usage terms, and more. Gunakan referensi gambar. In other words, if you ask for specific character poses, details in the scene, or arrangements of objects in the scene, in theory, DALL Cara Menggunakan Midjourney Di Sever Discord Sendiri. Use the /suffix command if you have stumbled on a style you like. Aquí tienes algunos prompts sencillos que puedes utilizar para generar imágenes con Midjourney: Un gato sentado en una silla. After adding image addresses, add any additional text and parameters to complete the prompt. You’re going to paste all of the image links you just saved of the images you cut out, into the prompt window with a space between each link. We believe that every word possesses the power to transform any prompt into something wonderful. Imagine yourself as an artist, preparing to draw a picture. com. Crayon Art - It’s always fun to look at art drawn with crayons. 1. Blue Willow is an interesting alternative to Midjourney that amassed more than 300 million users on its Discord server in just a few months. Minimalist concrete structure with geometric forms and dramatic shadows, inspired by awe, Brutalist style, Le Corbusier, photographed by Ezra Stoller --ar 16 Create prompts easily for Midjourney with IMI Prompt. Logos, Icons & Design. Midjourney v5 alpha offers wider stylistic range, improved resolution, better natural language processing, and supports image weighting and tiling. Si estás buscando el mejor competidor posible para Midjourney, DALL-Elleva tiempo siendo una de las principales IA de creación de imágenes y de las más conocidas. Interior Design. 1 The --aspect or --ar parameter changes the aspect ratio of the generated image. It's the default aspect ratio for most digital cameras and smartphones, making it the common choice for both amateur and professional Mar 31, 2023 · Muy buenas salvajesEn este video te voy a enseñar 5 nuevas formas de conseguir prompts profesionales gratis para ChatGPT, Midjourney, Stable Difussion, Leona May 15, 2023 · Bienvenidos a una nueva aventura de creación con Midjourney. I removed the gibberish text with Generative Fill in Photoshop in a matter Mar 17, 2024 · The Midjourney community has compiled one of the largest and most comprehensive databases of artist styles that can be used in your Midjourney prompts. Block Print. 2 started losing tokens one step earlier. The Midjourney Bot breaks down the words and phrases in a prompt into smaller pieces, called tokens, that are compared to its training data and then used to generate an image. Feb 13, 2023 · This practical guide shows you the 225+ best Midjourney prompts and examples to unleash your creativity. With that being said, you should be familiar with the terminology used in logo design to ensure you Oct 19, 2023 · However, Stable Diffusion is significantly more difficult to use, and both MidJourney and DALL-E 3 are superior in terms of ease of use. Chalk Art - If you use the chalk art style in your prompts, you should specify the color of the chalk. Basic Prompts Landscapes. Don’t make it look like a cartoon. Use permutation prompts to test many ideas at once. Nov 11, 2022 · Prompt #2. This piece maintains a 9:21 aspect ratio, adheres to a quality level of 2, a scale of 750, and version 5. MidjourneyPromptGenerator is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, with a simple interface that allows Using the same seed number and prompt will produce similar ending images. Let's say that your child discovers a new animated TV show and becomes infatuated with a certain character. It does not work for V4 and Niji. Here's an example of where you could use a negative prompt: When you use the word " painting " in your prompts you'll get photographs of paintings mounted on walls, sometimes with additions like a frame and furniture. Mar 1, 2023 · Constructor VISUAL de prompts para Midjourney, Dall-e, Stable Diffusion, Dream Studio, Leonardo ai, etc. Midjourney Dictionary showcases the dynamic relationship between language and AI-generated art. To add images to a prompt, type or paste the web address where the image is stored online. ly/MJ-art-styles Today, we're going on an exciting journey throu May 29, 2023 · 3. Note that IMI Prompt supports Midjourney v5. It’s a great resource for anyone looking to create stunning AI-generated images with Midjourney. Prompt: mosaic tile coloring page. 2 anime fashion female models with feathers on their heads, in the style of light silver and dark azure, highly detailed realism Allow the natural scenery and composition to evoke the character's emotional state, using the visual space to mirror their internal journey --ar 16:9 --v 6. Give it a try! BlueWillow is a free AI artwork generator that creates stunning AI-generated images. However, in most of my experiments, the predecessor model tended to reach its limit at around 6–7 steps before The ultimate guide for pro prompts building for Midjourney. Try Prompt Hero for Midjourney and DAL-E . Un cuadro de un artista famoso. No próprio site do Midjourney você encontra um guia de como utilizar a inteligência artificial para gerar imagens incríveis. 2 months ago • 8 min read. Note that --tile will only generate a single tile. TAP HERE FOR ALL MY FREE MIDJOURNEY PROMPT SETS. an award winning portrait photography of a Somalian kid eating a burger, hunger and happiness face, bokeh effect, surrounded by a queue of kids, high quality. Once Midjourney generates a grid of four images, you can click “U 1-4” or “V 1-4” to upscale or Nov 29, 2023 · #1 Santa Clause Midjourney Prompt a photo of a chubby Santa clause dressed in red outfit, standing in front of a big Christmas tree, big white beard, Christmas colors --ar 2:3 #2 Christmas Stocking Midjourney Prompt a photo of a Christmas stocking hanging on the wall, with Christmas pattern --ar 2:3 #3 Birth of Baby Jesus Midjourney Prompt Portrait Square Landscape. Generate AI Image with Midjourney. Herramienta de Texto con Botón de Copiar Frame a scene of an African woman from the future, her face painted with bold, abstract patterns that reflect her heritage and the world she inhabits. Style--style <raw> Switch between versions of the Midjourney Model Version 5. You can access the list of over 2,000 artists by clicking this link. Prompt #3. Describe the main subject, the scene, or the small details you want to include. Separamos as melhores dicas para Aug 3, 2023 · Aspect Ratio 4:3. The 4:3 aspect ratio is widely used in photography due to its harmonious balance, offering a pleasing aesthetic that falls between the square format (1:1) and the wide panoramic views (16:9). Stopping a Job at an earlier percentage can create blurrier, less detailed results. Los Mejores Prompts para Midjourney:Anime. Imagine AI Art Generator is a tool that lets you create stunning artworks from your text. Jun 29, 2023 · Midjourney 5. png, . All models Stable Diffusion Midjourney Openjourney ChatGPT. Prompt: “coloring page for kid” and “coloring page for seniors”, whithout colors”, “stronger and more pronounced and thicker lines”, [ style mix “pen and ink” line art], “amazing pattern”, 1 Beautiful cute **NEW eBOOK** Get these prompts and more "100+ Best Prompts for Midjourney" Download at bit. Further down in this article we’ve included some beautiful examples of what Midjourney styles are actually capable of. A partir de aquí nos toca esperar. Torchlit lighting is a type of low-light lighting that creates a dramatic and atmospheric effect. 3 Line Art Illustration in Midjourney. Prompt #4. Add text, images, filters, and change parameters. Aug 8, 2023 · Part 1: How to write a good Midjourney Prompt + Examples. 2. This could work great as a poster, or even printed on a t-shirt. Mar 14, 2024 · DALL-E 2. 4 Caricature Style Illustration in Midjourney. Cette fonctionnalité analyse le prompt initial de l'utilisateur et suggère des Jan 3, 2024 · V6 takes an already capable model and improves upon it by adding a touch of realism to landscape photos. Feb 17, 2023 · En este tutorial te mostraré una herramienta impresionante que te ayudará a superar el bloqueo creativo y a generar prompts increíbles para tus proyectos. Obviously, results can vary depending on different situations and prompts. The Midjourney Bot breaks down the words and phrases in a prompt into smaller pieces, called tokens, that can be compared to its training data and then used to generate an image. Jan 1, 2024 · The first thing I did was pull up some prompts from my V5 article and rewrite them to what I thought would be suitable for V6. Advanced prompts have different activation methods. Contoh prompt: /imagine prompt <any art style> style cat. br/No vídeo passado mostrei como você pode começar a usar o Midjour Feb 2, 2023 · Cómo crear imágenes con Midjourney: un ChatGPT para fotos que puedes probar gratis en el móvil Sin comentarios Facebook Twitter Flipboard E-mail 2023-02-02T18:01:12Z Jul 26, 2023 · Niji Journey, Midjourney's anime model, works wonderfully for fantasy art. Telephoto Lenses: A Prompt is a short text phrase that the Midjourney Bot interprets to produce an image. May 4, 2023 · Check out Leonardo. Stop--stop <integer between 10–100> Use the --stop parameter to finish a Job partway through the process. Apr 19, 2023 · If so, you can mention the fractalism style in your prompts. Part 2: How to optimize your Midjourney images. Permutation prompts are only available while using Fast mode. Jan 20, 2023 · 🎓 Vamos fazer um Curso de Photoshop completo? Veja as opções: https://lojaphotoshop. The #1 website for prompt engineering. Basic Prompts N EW. Deserto Moda Fotorrealista. Sample Prompt: /imagine a young woman standing in a huge cathedral, torchlit lighting. Start by making a simple, clear description of the image you want to create. Aesthetics Reset. It enables you to create a stunning logo in less than a minute without having to know too much about design. 5 Flat Illustration Style in Midjourney. Let's say you just want the painting Mar 27, 2023 · AIPRM is a prompt management tool and community-driven prompt library. Use this model with the command --niji followed by the version, for example --niji 5. por PROMPT. Jul 3, 2023 · Best Prompts for Midjourney's --tile (seamless textures, patterns & maps) The --tile parameter generates images that can be used as repeating tiles AKA seamless textures or repeating patterns. This is particularly useful if you wanted to, for example, generate an image of a fish made of jelly; if you simply put jellyfish, Midjourney would likely generate a jellyfish. MidJourney Parameters. Dec 26, 2023 · Introducing the Midjourney Prompt Generator: the ultimate creative companion for digital artists, content creators, and anyone looking to unlock the full potential of AI-assisted design. It’s 100% free and always will be. Feb 7, 2023 · 1. Cuenta con un canal de Discord Jan 18, 2024 · These are options that you add to individual Midjourney prompts to change the resulting generation. (Just ask ChatGPT for the best camera for your photograph style). 2 a également introduit la commande Shorten, une fonction destinée à optimiser les prompts. Keluarkan cat, krayon, glitter, tinta, dan kertas berwarna. [/imagine] a drawing of a busy street. Oct 3, 2023 · With Midjourney, you can create your own coloring book quickly. an anime girl with big long pink hair holding a heart, in the style of bunnycore, festive atmosphere, wrapped, 32k uhd, japanese prints, commission for, close-up –v 5. Modern text-to-image systems have a tendency to ignore words or descriptions, forcing users to learn prompt engineering. 16 bit pixel art, isometric, fantasy cozy tavern interior, pixel sprites adventurers, cinematic still, hdr --v 4. Here’s the original image from Midjourney. May 4, 2023 · In Midjourney, type in “/imagine” and hit the spacebar to pull up the prompt window. Feb 4, 2023 · Por último, solo decirte que solo podrás usar Midjourney gratis durante un corto periodo de tiempo, ya que es una IA de pago. Aug 20, 2023 · Replace “Fight Club” in the prompt with a different movie. 8 Woodcut Illustration in Midjourney. Oct 22, 2023 · El software ofrece 25 prompts gratis al día, más que suficiente para uso continuado y experimientación, pero si los agotas también hay una suscripción mensual. Un paisaje alienígena. Oct 4, 2023 · Dicas para melhorar seus Prompts. --tile works with models V1 , V2 , V3 and V5. Showing only good prompts for Midjourney, ranked by users' upvotes and popularity. Jangan terlalu panjang atau rumit. Una montaña nevada. Prompt: coloring book page, simple doodle creatures, fun, happy –v5. DALL·E 3 represents a leap forward in our ability to generate images that exactly adhere Mar 13, 2024 · 4. Here are some extra text-to-image prompt keywords related to camera lenses and filters: Wide-Angle Lenses: “Expansive landscapes,” “Sweeping cityscapes,” “Architectural details,” “Wide-angle portraits,” “Including more of the scene. This is the first version, and I will Pick A Medium. Beautiful, unique and inspiring AI pics, photos and art are at your fingertips. Una ciudad futurista. three men in different 21st century clothing, fashion plates, deconstructed tailoring, rendered in cinema4d –q 2 –ar 3:5. 1990s anime screencap, asuka langley soryu wearing a red plugsuit, standing with hands on hips and a smug expression, style of neon genesis evangelion –ar 3:2 --niji 5. Type “/settings” in a message to the Midjourney Bot and press “enter” to adjust the Midjourney model, quality, style, and mode. Pero en lugar de escribir código, ¡puedes usar palabras y texto sencillos! De esta manera, chatgpt-3 sabrá exactamente lo que estás tratando de lograr. It allows users to easily input specific instructions and generate an artificial image based on those instructions. Achieving the highest level of detail, the ultra-realistic representation exudes a cinematic vibe. It’s free to use for up to 20 images. I encourage you to print the cheat sheet out for easy reference. Ai ( Free up to 150 images, Paid plan starts at $10 per month) 6. Piensa en ellas como una forma de comunicarte con chat gpt 3. Adding :: to a prompt tells Midjourney it should look at each part of the prompt separately. 1 Pro and Mega Subscribers can create a maximum of 40 Jobs with a single Permutation Prompt. Use with Midjourney, Dal-E and Stable Diffusion. The image could be 1000px × 1000px, or 1500px × The official server for Midjourney, a text-to-image AI where your imagination is the only limit. About DALL·E 3. By Peter Foy. Just provide a text description and Midjourney will make a new image for you. Una escena de una película. Pilih antara kreatif atau realistis. Use this keyword to get amazing results in Midjourney. Blue Willow by LimeWire. Nikon D850 with Nikon AF-S VR Micro-NIKKOR 105mm f/2. Some of the best Midjourney prompts need just a single style modifier. The address must end in an extension like . Use it to complete marketing, sales, operation, productivity, and customer support tasks in minutes that used to take hours with ready-to-use prompts for ChatGPT, Bard, Midjourney, and DALL-E 3. 2 5. 🚫 [/imagine] a drawing of a busy street. Detrás de este Midjourney V6 made it to an impressive seven steps before parts of the prompt started “disappearing“. ”. Avoid the color white. Midjourney Prompt Generator. Check out our full guide to Midjourney pixel art. Por cada solicitud o “prompt” Midjourney crea 4 imágenes o variantes diferentes. Hoy vamos a explorar cómo conseguir y utilizar de manera efectiva prompts gratuitos para mejorar Jul 3, 2023 · Le Corbusier. Aprenda a criar paisagens incríveis, retra Feb 7, 2023 · En este tutorial aprenderemos a definir el prompt de Midjourney para crear caricaturas realistas de una forma muy sencilla. 3. Descubra sua criatividade com 1000+ prompts Midjourney gratuitos no PromptPal. as seen in. Old Prompting Style 21 year old chinese girl, in school, beauty, long black hair, sun light, insane detail, smooth light, real photography fujifilm superia, full HD, taken on a Canon EOS R5 F1. On the 2-page sheet, you’ll find: MidJourney parameters; Default values and the range of values available for each Using the same seed number and prompt will produce similar ending images. Infographic showing examples of the “torchlit” Midjourney lighting prompt. She’s dressed [] VER Prompt. Also, edit the rest of the prompt to fit your needs. Si Dec 12, 2023 · Let’s look at a couple examples of turning negative language into positive when writing prompts: 🚫 [/imagine] an image of a cat. | 19530806 members May 2, 2023 · Type “/imagine” in a message to the Midjourney Bot followed by a prompt to generate a grid of images. You can encourage them to use a coloring book by printing various scenes featuring that character. Mar 7, 2024 · Berikut ini beberapa contoh prompt yang dapat Anda gunakan: ⏬. Un bosque encantado. Normalmente la IA tarda menos de un minuto en responder. [/imagine] an image of a brown cat. Jun 15, 2023 · Here are some of my Midjourney prompts for movie posters. prompt example: /imagine prompt <any art style> style cat. Midjourney is an independent research lab exploring new mediums of thought and expanding the imaginative powers of the human species. AiTuts Prompt is a curated database of high-quality Midjourney prompts that offers a wide range of different styles for you to choose from. Get Notified! Alpha Version for Midjourney. 2. An aspect ratio is the width-to-height ratio of an image. Midjourney can easily handle prompts written in natural language, which makes the popular practice of “splatterprompting” completely unnecessary. 1 5 4 3 Niji Mode. Commands start with "/". Part 4: How to use Midjourney Parameters to optimize your prompts. A well-crafted prompt can help make unique and exciting images. 0 --s 50 --style raw. In this guide, we look at 25+ Midjourney V6 prompts and tips to get the most of the model. One of the best ways to generate a stylish image is by specifying an artistic medium. Navegue em nosso amplo catálogo de prompts para eventos e inspire-se e torne-se mais produtivo hoje mesmo. Notice the gibberish text. Search millions of AI art images by models like Stable Diffusion, Midjourney Search by model Stable Diffusion Midjourney ChatGPT. Even a prompt as simple as “<<Enter Movie Title Here>> Movie Poster” can work. Multi prompts. Tips Membuat Prompt Dengan Hasil Yang Bagus. It is typically expressed as two numbers separated by a colon, such as 7:4 or 4:3. They're used to change Midjourney settings and usually apply to all subsequent generations, for example making all generations private or changing the generation speed. Part 3: Essential Midjourney Settings for better prompting. Table of contents. Character Design. bq fe xw lc hs kl ke kw zr ci