Ue4 actor action utility blueprint

Ue4 actor action utility blueprint. if I have a BP_ArrowBase and inheriting from it: BP_ArrowFIre, BP_ArrowIce. 26. I’d like to get the names of the latter two. But binding to an input delegate seems to be harder than it sounds. However, if you create an Editor Utility Blueprint, an Editor Utility Widget, or a normal Blueprint Scripted Actions are Editor Utility Blueprints that you launch in the Unreal Editor by right-clicking Assets in the Content Browser, or by right-clicking Actors either in the Level Viewport (shown above) or in the World Outliner . In this case if one needs to add a mesh to the Actor Apr 12, 2019 · Hi, I have a Ball actor which destroys Cube actors in game. Editor Utility Blueprint & simple test actor (Also tried with testactor not being “is data only”) Cast To ActorActionUtility Class May 12, 2022 · Hi, I have an Actor Blueprint, that contains a Child Actor Component of type Blueprint_XYZ. Now I want to cast this Child Actor Component to Blueprint_XYZ (as seen in the image). 23 release notes: (added)* “The ability to add a Run function to any Editor Utility Blueprint or Editor Utility Widget which will run scripts on Editor start. 1, and still use C++ spawn blueprint actor. So how to get the texture in blueprint without manually setting up a long silly data table or assigning the texture to each plane seperately? Oct 27, 2022 · If you want to add Components to your Actor in EUW, your scripts will be something like this. JasonTimm (JasonTimm) May 3, 2022, 3:10pm 1. Oct 21, 2017 · And I also have a widget with a text message and a button to close it. Base class for all actor action-related utilities Any functions/events that are exposed on derived classes that have the correct signature will be included as menu options when right-clicking on a group of actors in the level editor Sep 21, 2016 · Unreal Engine Multi Objects Renaming Tool in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace Multi-Objects Renaming tool (MORT) is a simple editor improvement that adds one often used function to automate editing of tons actors\objects names (except folders) in the World Outliner and Content Browser. Within the newly created Asset Action Utility asset, hover over the Functions creation section and select the Override function called Get Supported Class. If it helps, what I am doing is writing a BP to explode a Mar 6, 2015 · For example I have a modular airplane, which consist of collection of Fuselage, Wing, Tail and Turret blueprints. If you want to use Blueprint to customize the import process, you'll mainly be using nodes from the Editor Scripting > Datasmith, Datasmith > Scene and Datasmith > Element categories. It litterally does nothing. Or to choose a folder to create new Assets. All of them have the same parent blueprint A_AirplanePart. Are there any suggestions for solving this warning? Thanks in advance. Score is a Text Widget. GetSupportedClasses () instead, but ideally you're not requesting this directly and are instead using the FAssetActionUtilityPrototype to wrap access to an unload utility asset. Also all of the previous forums don’t really include any way to do it in blueprints. This will create an instance and allow for binding to stateful editor events. ) around, and my intention is to be able to click on them and display the widget (each actor would display a different widget), no matter how far or close thay are, as soon as I can see them (not whitin an area, just anywhere). 0, but you probably need to be in some kind of editor blueprint. This is where the mouse over, click, and touch events are processed, as well as where the dragging behavior is established. 从 Mar 22, 2014 · Hi, I would like to know how to set a Blueprint actor (in this case with a static mesh and a particle system) so whole actor moves in a certain direction and at a certain velocity. h file, the SetFolderPath function is BP callable since 4. • Applications Unreal Engine: 4. Write your own tutorials or read those from others Learning Library. Kontur (Kontur) July 1, 2016, 2:10am 5. Nov 11, 2016 · I meet the same problem. Drag off the Pressed execution pin and from the Executable actions dropdown menu search for and select the Get All Actors Of Class node. Right-click in the Content Browser and select Editor Utilities > Editor Widget. The Align Actors action aides in the layout of UX controls, or any actor type. I magrate my old project to new engine version UE 5. You can use Blutility as an alternative (infact i think it was intended to replace that type of functionality on some level as well). Align Actors. Blueprint Interface Lets start with the Blueprint Interface. 1 Like. ”* I see the Run event in the Editor Utility Widget, but it doesn’t fire on editor start. I currently have a project with a tank that can shoot projectiles, the blueprint is “EventHit”>“Delay”>“Kill Actor”, inside the projectile’s blueprint script, it has target self. This is the basic method in which you can enable input on an Actor. Use the new Subobject Data Subsystem to add a Component to an Actor in the Editor. 新建一个EditorUtilityBlueprint,如下图. 1 only package assets in world, but that blueprint actor only in content folder. Maybe try disabling context sensitive. Pick Asset Action Utility from the Pick Parent Class pop-up window. I have the same issue when I tried to code a Pawn Dec 21, 2019 · Hello, I’m trying to create an array of Blueprints within a widget but struggling to find a solution to this from other threads. com/community/learning Jan 10, 2019 · I want the capsule of the NPC actor to detect overlap with the player character’s sphere. Any help is appreciated. Similarly, if you drag off of a pin and let go on the graph background, the action menu will be filtered to actions that take or provide a value matching the pin type and direction. Apr 5, 2023 · 资产/Actor右键可以执行脚本功能AssetActionUtility示例检查蓝图资源中的某个配置创建工具蓝图:内容浏览器右键 -> Editor Utilities -> Editor Utility Blueprint -> 选择基类为 AssetActionUtility 即可创建完成功能逻辑新建一个函数,对选中的资产进行变量值(bAutoStartDeath)检查,如果 From the All Actions for this Blueprint context menu, search for and select the SpawnActors input action. Jan 7, 2024 · I am trying to call an editor utility/scriptable action via a key press (in Blueprints not c++). ( by the way, sorry for my english, i’m Aug 19, 2019 · Journey into Utility AI for Unreal Engine (Part Two) Since the last time I wrote about Utility AI for Unreal Engine 4, it has been stream-lined and so has the Action System it’s built on. 24 when working with an Editor Utility Widget. I tried this setup, but it doesn’t work; at no point does the character enter the “Not Moving” state, but it does stop moving when it collides with the sphere, though the movement animation never stops playing until the NPC’s capsule collider is colliding with the player’s collider capsule Feb 15, 2016 · When I try to select an actor from my scene to use in my c++ project, I see my actor in the browse menu, but when I click it, the property still says “None”. 26, 4. Aug 30, 2022 · Like the title says. I am trying to build a use system. Example: I clik on button on the Editor Widget BP and “X” actor is selected in the level. Level ブループリントは Unreal Engine 3 の Kismet と同じ役目を果たし、同じ性能を持っています。. Cast To ActorActionUtility Aug 28, 2019 · Here is a snippet demonstrating a really simple way to do this, without any C++. If You copy the actor and paste it into text editor, You can get something Cast To ActorActionUtility Dec 11, 2020 · Create a new blueprint actor called BP_EditorUtilities. I’m working inside an editor utility object BP and I’m trying to get all actor of class, however it asks for a world context object. Follow the steps below: Create a Blueprint Interface caleld "BPI_EditorTick". 当您需要明确的让Bluetility类感知当前操作的Actor或者Assets时(在某一类Actor或者Assets上执行对应的操作),就需要使用这种方式。通常,可编程操作会获取您运行操作时选择的Actor或者Assets列表,然后修改这些对象,或者将这些对象作为参数放到蓝图逻辑中。 Sep 24, 2015 · In the Actor. Editor Utility Blueprints. Level Utility. Snippets. I am building a computer game kind of like PC Builder Simulator. Try to enable wavefunctioncollapse plugin, it uses Utility widget to spawn meshes to lvl, there is also a palacement plugin and a somewhat recent talk on unreal engine youtube channel about the topic. May 13, 2022 · Asset Action Utility Setup - Unreal Engine 5 Tutorial! A tutorial demonstration on how to create and use Asset Action Utilities in Unreal Engine 5 to batch edit files. Nov 9, 2015 · To answer my own question, which was itself a mess and came from a lack of understanding on how UE4 works: To add a component to an Actor Blueprint one has to use the “Add Component” Button from within the Blueprint, select the desired component, and eventually populate it with an asset. . Hi guys, I thought this would be pretty straightforward but so far, the only way that I found to do that is in c++. So I can Jan 29, 2022 · At this point you might want to check on forward declaring so you don’t need to add any includes in the header file, but rather can add them to the . 2. May 3, 2022 · UE4-27 Blueprint-Utilities Blueprint question unreal-engine. This might be what your looking for. Spawn Actor from Object. It works all in “Standalone Game” Mode, but after packaged, c++ can’t spawn blueprint by path. Feb 21, 2023 · To create an Asset Action Utility, right-click in the Content Browser, select Editor Utilities / Editor Utility Blueprint. The Actor can be created from a Factory, Archetype, Blueprint, Class or an Asset. C++ Source: Module: Blutility. Categories: Blueprint. https://dev. Description. Favorites Account. Edit your Widget Blueprint as needed. Actors to Select. レベルごとに専用の Level ブループリントが存在し、レベル内でのアクタへの参照と操作、Matinee アクタを使用したシネマティックスの制御、レベル ストリーミング Dec 9, 2014 · Hello,if you are looking to move a character to another point when on a event overlap and this point is moving in real time like a black whole you can use a custom event to update the location of the spell blueprint and promote it to a variable then make a timer about this event like every 0. Name your Editor Utility Widget Asset. 2 Documentation | Unreal Engine 5. but it’s not moving at all, and I don’t see how to control velocity. I can see a node called “Filter array” but which only works for Actor references, not Object references. Wait. May 24, 2021 · 1. cpp file. 01 s and looping option,then set the variable the location result. Forums. Mar 26, 2014 · Hi, I have a new Macbook pro, latest version of OSX. Assets | Unreal Engine Documentation Assets Cast To ActorActionUtility Apr 25, 2015 · Spawn BP Actor - Spawn Actor From Class (node) - needs a local transform where it initially starts at Move Actor - AddActorLocalOffset (node) - use vector to move (usually a break & make vector and move it on the x,y,or z axis)(using a timeline, timer, and if in a hurry or testing event tick (not advisable for finished game) Aug 22, 2016 · Thank you. Nov 10, 2022 · I’m working in blueprints with editor utilities and need names of all BPs of specific class. To access the action Apr 5, 2022 · Action OnClick not working (UE4-27) Development Programming & Scripting Blueprint. May 13, 2022 · A tutorial demonstration on how to create and use Asset Action Utilities in Unreal Engine 5 to batch edit files. exec. Double-click the Editor Utility Widget Asset to open the Widget Blueprint for editing. Hey there! First time posting, brand new to UE4 but looking for help. Base class for all actor action-related utilities Any functions/events that are exposed on derived classes that have the correct signature will be included as menu options when right-clicking on a group of actors in the level editor. Drag off the Pressed execution pin and from the Executable actions dropdown menu search for and select the Get Actor Of Class node. It takes finds the difference between the location of the actor that was just moved and the location of the transform widget. I'm trying to program an Asset Scripted Action to spawn a blueprint actor into the scene, but I can't figure out how to do it because Asset Action Utilities aren't able to spawn into the scene by class. Expose inputs in args/kwargs. Jun 8, 2021 · UE4 EditorUtilityBlueprint之ActorActionUtility. This will add a new Point Light Component to a blueprint asset, rename that component, and then compile the Blueprint. 0, 5. Switching to Unreal Engine AAA games. In order to quickly iterate the layout of the level I use Arrays of SMs (with the appropriate tag) to change what is generated per modular BP (see this post for an example [UE4] Hallway Complex Transforms the given 2D screen space coordinate into a 3D world-space point and direction. Make sure your player controller has mouse events and mouse click events enabled (I assume this is already true). Then use that reference to call the custom event. This is in Ball BP as well: (This function currently prints the score as Dec 29, 2020 · I am relatively new to UE4 and blueprints so sorry if the answer to this is obvious. epicgames. Jul 2, 2017 · The thing is, I can get a reference to an actor in the editor in my Global Editor Utility BP but I have to select the actor in the editor first and use “Get Selected” so it’s not like a Global Editor Utility BP can’t handle it it’s just not a very good way to go about it. Then drag and place this Blueprint in the world and select your Event from the list of Blutilities and hit Run. UX Tools contains a handful of utilities that augment the Unreal Engine editor. 2 documentation they’re still used we now have access to a “Get supported classses” array to do complex class filtering but doesn’t really do anything or don’t know how to make it work Here’s a BP example on how it was done in 5. AssetActionUtility用于批量操作ContentBrowser中的资产,而ActorActionUtility的功能类似,它用于批量操作场景编辑器中的Actors。. Jun 30, 2016 · DevilsD (Matt Boatswain) July 1, 2016, 1:26am 4. I found a file path dialog that lets you select a folder on disk Feb 21, 2023 · To create an Asset Action Utility, right-click in the Content Browser, select Editor Utilities / Editor Utility Blueprint. Create Editor Utility Blueprint. Next, in your actor blueprint event graph, add an OnClicked or OnReleased click event to your collision box and bam, button Oct 13, 2016 · All you need to do is assign a custom event to the function on top of it’s OnClick. I guess the may be the new engine version UE5. My issue is that some actors I need to pick up, and other actors I need to “use”. Jan 15, 2021 · I have a lot of images imported into Texture folder under Content which are named as Image_x. AddComponent Blueprint: TestComponent Blueprint: Result after Automate with 33 Scripted Action Utilities | Community tutorial. Of an interesting note, I’ve found that the size of an actor is 1016 bytes while the size of an object is 56 bytes. Unreal Engine 5. You can then cast to the necessary actor class and customize the properties. Out. I did try using the inbuilt keyboard instead of the USB keyboard, restarted everything many times, but to no avail. 26 at least), that function is callable from any Editor Utility Blueprints at least. Base class of any editor-only camera actors. My current setup uses modular BPs made up of several Static Meshes. Hello ! I’m brand new to UE and in general on game developping. Cast To ActorActionUtility Class Mar 26, 2014 · For example in an Actor based blueprint, you’ll get offered actions that target an Actor, as well as ones that work in any context. com) Mifthbeat (Mifthbeat) September 3, 2023, 11:14pm 8. (I’m working on an Editor utility blueprint). The Action System is quite similar to Unreal’s Gameplay Ability System for those familiar. Outputs. I've been trying to use an event in both the Level blueprint and a gamemode blueprint t Any time you use a Custom Event node in the Event Graph of your Blueprint class, you can set the Graph > Call in Editor option in the Details panel: Similarly, when you create a new function on your Blueprint class, you can select the node for your new function and set the same option in the Details panel: Add an instance of your Blueprint Oct 29, 2021 · eobet (eobet) October 29, 2021, 7:03am 1. Add two variables ActorToSpawn (Actor class reference) and LocationToSpawn (Transform reference) Make sure both variables have “Expose and Spawn” and “Instance Editable” checked. Returns all currently selected, Get 0 if there’s only one. 我们先简单了解EditorUtilityBlueprint的使用步骤。. Features Licensing FAQ. プロジェクト内で特定の Editor Utility Widget クラスと Editor Utility Blueprint クラスをスタートアップ オブジェクトとして識別できます。 エディタでプロジェクトをロードするたびに、それらのスタートアップ オブジェクトそれぞれのインスタンスが自動的に作成 Jan 11, 2023 · I made an attempt to translate your BP to use in a utility editor BP with asset action utility as the parent which didn’t have all of the same nodes available. Then create a Custom Event and enable Call In Editor . jpg 1920×1080 332 KB Jul 19, 2014 · So to make a button on any blueprint actor, what you want to do is add a collision box inside the blueprint. I have an editor module in which I’m attempting to create a simple UI. My problem is that I don’t actually want to save the asset after modifications, I just want to mark it as modified so that the user can choose to save the changes (or not) later. In this example, the Asset is named TestEditorUtility. At a high level, the network does the following: Swaps out the Materials applied to the object based on mouse over events. Towards the end I’ll tease a few other AI related concepts I Aug 31, 2022 · A Blueprint interface; A Blueprint actor that inherits from the Editor Utility Actor; A custom Blueprint to be driven by the Editor Tick and does what you want it to do in the editor viewport. If you select an instance of that Actor in the scene and scroll down in the details panel on the right, you should find a blutility dropdown menu. I think my problem is in referencing Ball actor in the Score Blueprint. h. Purpose: Tool and Pipeline. File: ActorActionUtility. In my scene, I have various of these actors (number 1, 2, 3, etc. Add an event to the event called “SpawnActor”. 上篇文章介绍了AssetActionUtility之后,我们再来看另一种常用的EditorUtilityBlueprint——ActorActionUtility。. I want to increase a score every time a Cube is destroyed. Aug 12, 2020 · I’m trying to get Editor Utility Blueprint to operate on the selected content browser assets, but GetSelectedAssets just returns “blueprint” for GetClass GetDisplayName and it won’t cast to anything. Not sure what other info to give, pretty simple problem. Then, click the dropdown arrow for the Actor Class and select Bp Actor Spawner . But the following warning appears: ‘BP Pi AR1’ does not inherit from ‘Child Actor Component’ (Cast To BP_PiAR1 would always fail). Calling TriggerSuperAwesomeFunction will activate the print. These are part of a runtime module. Batch operations made easy and convenient In UE5 with an editor utility widget bp, I can see both of those nodes under editor scripting->level utility. I got a little lost with the variables so I’m sure I did some things wrong. 액터를 대상으로 하는 스크립트를 작성하기 위해 ActorActionUtility 를 상속하는 Editor Utility Blueprint 를 만든다. 2 “Get Supported Class” for utility BP has been deprecated In 5. In my situation, this will not work as it is expected. I cannot get the input key press to work in Blueprint. Inputs. I started yesterday with a guide where i learned all kind of things and wanted to start making a prototype. 3. Then, click the dropdown arrow for the Actor Class and select Bp Actor to Spawn. At the minute I’ve just placed an empty actor BP inside the level and then i’m getting this as a Automate operations on multiple Unreal Engine 4 assets or actors with this collection of Editor Utility Blueprints. If there were already tutorials or documentation on this I would not be this, it must be pretty simple. Here’s what I have so far: First, I made a widget in Ball BP: Then I made a function for counting score. Connect the Get Player Controller node to the in Player Controller pin on the Enable Input node. Other than that, no we can not have a button without writing 2 pages. The problem is that the component added never is visible in the details panel, but if I iterate over the actor’s components it exists. Objects can be used in blueprints however they can’t be placed in the world supposedly, moreover they don’t allow network Nov 8, 2020 · I created a method in C++ called “InvalidateViewport” which takes the actor I’m moving as an argument. my first In the graph, Right-click search for and add the Enable Input node. My goal for this UI is to be able to select one of the plugin’s classes, and click a button : “add class to selected actors in the active level”. Well, you can make a an Event to a Blutility button by checking “Call in Editor”. Scripted actions are accessed by right-clicking actors or assets. Apr 3, 2014 · First create a new Actor Blueprint. i looked at the current blueprints but i didn’t find anything related to this matter. I tried the simplest version of them all (screenshot attached) and put a breakpoint - but I can’t get it to trigger. Clear the current world editor selection and select the provided actors. The Event Graph for the MI_Sphere Blueprint is where most of the actual work is done. get_supported_class ¶ Mar 1, 2018 · Hello. Mar 21, 2021 · Unreal Engine 4. I did put a breakpoint to check - but it doesn’t In the graph, Right-click search for and add the Enable Input node. Building scripts and using them in the Editor is its primary purpose. Eliatrom (Eliatrom) April 5, 2022, 7:36pm 1. Base class of all placed Blutility editor utilities. Apr 4, 2022 · Hello, I’m making a plugin with a few dozen custom classes that are meant to be added to an actor blueprint as components. Find the first Actor in the world of the specified class. 1 Jun 24, 2022 · Everynone (Everynone) June 24, 2022, 9:27am 4. I was in need of this today (preferrably outside of Editor Scripting, but I’ll take what I can get) and only found this old thread: Change Actor display name/label from Blueprint Blueprint. I want to spawn 200 planes with an id on each actor, and apply the corresponding image to the dynamic material instance. 0 Early Access. 27 Unreal Engine: 5. There is a Blueprint Component “FlatComponent” based on ActorComponent, it needs to be somehow added to the C++ Actor, which is called “FlatActor”. by MattLakeTA May 13, 2022 • Last Updated: May 13, 2022. Create an actor and place it in the world editor. To reach the nodes you need, you'll need to use an Editor Utility Widget, and Editor Utility Blueprint, or make your Blueprint class derive from an Editor Mar 17, 2019 · Hello, I would like to know if it’s possible to clone an actor with all of its components at run time. I have tried with and without “Pure” ticked, I have checked the Plug ins, no difference. Learn how to create scripted actions to help automate repetitive tasks on large numbers of assets in the content browser and actors within your levels. Connect the out pin of the Event Begin Play to the in pin of the Enable Input node. g. 9. I’ve tried MoveTo, Move To Actor, etc. The method is called in blueprints after moving the actor. Mar 4, 2021 · Hi i’m trying to make an editor utility that adds an ActorComponent to objects I have selected in the level. Learning. I added Box Component, and it appears in Scene, but not in details panel. Clicking the button will activate the print. There is a reason for this, but it’s tricky. But if I close and save the level and reopen it, the component added never saved. You need to do this: Wrap a function in another function. 2 Documentation Create an Editor Utility Widget. Feb 10, 2020 · Yes, you can do that using the “Get Selected Actors” node in your editor utility widget blueprint. E. Editor utilities can be authored using scripted actions. When I google it it seems like there’s supposed to be a “Filter by class” node but I can’t find it anywhere. Returns an Actor nearest to Origin from ActorsToCheck array. Eventually I found that all blueprints report as being of Blueprint class. Ensure “Call in editor” is checked. I further looked into this and saw this commit on the Unreal Engine GitHub Dec 22, 2022 · Hello! I am trying to add a “folder selection” box in the input for my Asset Action Utility blueprint. This kind of workflow is especially useful any time you need your Blueprint logic to have contextual awareness Apr 5, 2022 · Description. In UE5 (and probably since 4. Ask questions and help your peers Developer Forums. 新建的时候,会让我们选择Class,我们这里选择AssetActionUtility,就用UE4起的默认 Jan 24, 2024 · Can someone explain how I fix this, I’m to overly savy with tech so explain it to me like im 5. Here is the declaration of my pointer : UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "MyGame") ADirectionalLight* Sun; This was working fine until last night, for no apparent Oct 31, 2023 · To start I am using Unreal Engine 5. 1 How to Rename actor or asset Using editor utility blueprint (Blueprint Only) Jun 8, 2023 · Hi, in 5. And, If I move the Actor, the box will disapper. object. Cast Failed. You can paste this snippet into an Editor Utility Widget or Editor Utility Actor. The actor will be created in the current level and will be selected. Exclude actor that are pending kill, in PIE, PreviewEditor, Target is Editor Level Library. 1 I am trying to create a Blueprint Editor Utility Actor, I have built the functions I want to use, “Call in Editor” is ticked, however in the Editor there is no button to call the function. Target is Editor Level Library. Inside of the Airplane pawn I have an array of A_AirplanePart references and it can store references to all of the parts regardless of their own blueprints. Set Material Dec 16, 2015 · That being said, a BP class that is of a lower complexity class, I would imagine use less resources. I tried using ‘Get Assets by Class’ with BP_ArrowBase class but it returns nothing. The purpose of this BP is to replace imported plant locations with blueprint vegetation assets. png where x is a number from 0 to 199. I have seen this tick box in the class defaults of an editor utility actor This leads me to expect that this is doable inside of an editor utility actor. Both do the same thing, custom event can be called from the reference. testmesh. As Actor Action Utility. Have tried actors and textures. For example, if you use a Blueprint class that derives from a parent class that can be used at runtime—such as the base Actor class—you'll see a limited set of functions listed under the Editor Scripting category in your Blueprint Editor. Returns an array of unique actors represented by the given list of components. This Message pops up each time I hit play When I click it the message log shows this And then this comes up when… Apr 30, 2020 · The Save Asset node is there for me in 4. It then applies that difference to the transform widget. I have a widget that displays a message like “Press ‘E’ to pickup” and I can pick up objects, but now I need that to Right-click the Event Graph and from the context menu, search for and select the DestroyActors Input Action Event. Am I missing Jan 20, 2022 · The only semi-BP solution I remember is using the SetEditorProperty on the ClassDefaultObject (which I exposed from C++), but as far as I remember, this editor utility function was only added in 4. Base class for all actor action-related utilities Any functions/events that are exposed on derived classes that have the correct signature will be included as menu Sep 7, 2019 · From the 4. Jun 8, 2021 · 上一篇文章中简单介绍了EditorUtilityWidget的使用,UE4还为我们提供了另一个工具EditorUtilityBlueprint。. I have this blueprint issue where for some reason, i simply cant get kill actor to work on any of my blueprints. SupportiveEntity (SupportiveEntity) August 30, 2022 Python. Set Selected Level Actors. I want the user to be able to choose a folder to search for a given set of static meshes that match a specific name, for example. It’s called Get Selected Actors afair. Call functions or modify properties of a Blueprint from Python | Epic Developer Community (epicgames. kn oh qn yp mj hm eg ao as nr